- In simulation training, the simulation of TV tracking system of a type of weapon system made use of chroma-key technology. 在仿真训练中,某型武器的电视跟踪系统的仿真采用了色键抠像技术来实现。
- On the basis of the operating principle and features of TV tracking,the applications of TV tracking in electrooptic fire control systems are deseribed. 根据电视跟踪的工作原理和特点,论述电视跟踪在光电火控系统中的应用。
- The theodolite designed for measure ship is a special optical equipment based on TV tracking and measuring for the use of navigation orientation system. 摘要船载经纬仪是远洋航天测量船导航定位系统专用光学测量设备。
- The image forming and disposing time delay of TV tracker and sample frequency affect tracking capability of TV tracking system directly. 由于电视跟踪器图像信号建立、图像处理等原因造成的延时和采样频率直接影响了电视跟踪伺服系统的性能。
- A Servo Control Unit for Accurate TV Tracking Based on DSP 基于DSP的精密电视跟踪伺服控制单元
- She made a guest appearance on his TV show. 她在他的电视节目中出场客串。
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- Please unplug the TV before you go to bed. 临睡前请拔下电视机的插头。
- Design of a Real-Time Video Image Processing Platform for TV Tracking 一种用于电视跟踪的实时视频图像处理平台设计
- He tried to flog me a broken TV set. 他一个劲儿向我兜售一个破电视机。
- The film has been screened in the cinema and on TV. 这部电影已在电影院及电视上放映。
- This rough track will soon be a metalled road. 这条坑坑洼洼的路不久就要铺上碎石了。
- Which TV station is the programme on? 这个节目在哪家电视台播放?
- I'm trying to track down my old Aunt Maud. 我正试图寻找到我那年迈的婶婶莫德。
- I like watching football match on TV. 我喜欢在电视上看足球比赛。
- The idler idles away the hours watching TV. 那个游手好闲的人把时间浪费在看电视上。
- The cyclist went at full sail along the track. 自行车手沿着跑道全速前进。
- You can stay at home and watch TV. 你可以待在家里并且看电视。
- Bill has a feeling he is on a fast track. 比尔感觉到他正快速迈向成功。
- I like to watch TV programs which are about sports. 我喜欢观赏有关运动的电视节目。