- TV to rural areas 电视下乡
- He went to rural areas to live and work with the peasantry. 他到农村地区去和农民们一起生活劳动。
- The plan has the added(= extra)advantage of bringing employment to rural areas. 该计划还有一个优点,就是给农村地区带来了就业机会。
- In fact, is a Quwen Cao humilis (capillaries) to rural areas and farms there. 其实驱蚊草就是一种蒿草(茵陈)到农村的田间地头就有。
- During the war hundreds of thousands of children were evacuated from the industrial to rural areas. 战争期间成千上万的孩子从工业区疏散到乡村。
- Army cadres sent to rural areas must work under the leadership of the local Party organizations and in conformity with the plans of the mass organizations there. 军队派到乡村工作的干部,必须统一于当地党的领导之下,在当地群众团体的工作计划之下步调一致地工作。
- In olden times, people had no TV to watch. 在以前,人们没有电视可看。
- The project began in the cities of Indore, Baroda, Ahmedabad and Bhopal. Now the aim is to extend it to rural areas. 这个项目始于印多尔,巴罗达,艾哈迈达巴德和博帕尔,现在该项目旨在将其扩大到农村地区。
- The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio. 多数人喜欢电视胜过广播。
- Other assistance to farmers included a network of "farm-to-market roads" that made towns and cities easily accessible to rural areas. 还有一项帮助农民的措施是建立一个“从农场到市场的公路”网,使城乡之间四通八达。
- To achieve such a change, however, India would need to shift its focus from peasant farming to agribusiness and encourage private capital to move from urban to rural areas. 然而,为实现这一转变,印度必需把重点从农耕经济转移到农业综合企业,鼓励私有资本从城市转移到农村。
- You may turn the right knob on the TV to switch it on. 你可以拧电视上右边的旋钮把它打开。
- As factory closures gather pace, fears are growing of a mass exodus back to rural areas that could struggle to reabsorb the workers. 随着厂家停业提速,民工大规模返乡的担忧增加,将使工人再就业变得十分困难。
- Because of advantages of low cost and fissile activity, classified collection is suitable to rural area. 生活垃圾分类收集以其低成本和裂变活性的优势适合在农村采用。
- Nowadays, children often prefer watching TV to reading. 如今,儿童常爱看电视而不爱看书。
- Upchurch was more sanguine about the potential for recreational developments to draw people and investments to rural areas. " 厄普丘奇对通过娱乐开发把人和投资吸引到农村地区的潜力感到更加乐观。
- A/The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio. 大部分人似乎喜欢看电视而不喜欢听收音机。
- Today, from cities to rural areas, there are bright asphalt formation, only the path from this dilapidated to find the last figure of the fishes. 而如今,从城市到农村,到处都是平整光亮的柏油马路,只有从这段年久失修的小路才能找到过去的丝丝身影。
- The global economic crisis has sapped demand for Chinese exports, forcing an estimated 10 million migrants out of jobs and back to rural areas. 全球经济危机大大降低了外部世界对于中国出口的需求,据估计已使1000万农民工失业并返乡。
- And China Mobile as a powerful economic strength, but also to extend the network to rural areas, rural areas mobile networks are growing up and perfect. 而且中国移动因为经济实力强大,也把网络延伸到广大农村地区,现在农村地区的移动网络也在日益完善起来。