- A portable TV camera focused on him. 一台便携式电视摄影机的镜头对着他。
- The TV cameras were in at the death and filmed the arrest. 进行逮捕时正好有电视摄像机录下了这场面。
- If you’re a TV camera operator, tutor middle schoolers in video podcasting. 如果你是电视摄像操控员,为何不去教中学生们如何制作视频播客。
- The device carried a TV camera and managed to focus it at close range on what later proved to be a part of Scourge. 这一装置带有电视摄像机,把它近距离对准了以后证明为鞭子号沉船的某个部分。
- The game was played in front of a vociferous crowd, with a packed press box and seven TV camera crews present. 这场比赛涌入大量观众,记者席上也挤满了,有七个电视摄影工作人员在场。
- He could see the ubiquitous TV cameras. 他可以看到那些无处不在的电视摄像机。
- The TV camera held on the whole scene for a minute,then zoomed in on the combat hero. 电视摄像机镜头对着整个场景拍摄了1分钟,然后迅速转为对那位战斗英雄的特写境头。
- He cowered when he saw all of the TV cameras. 看到了周围的电视摄像机,他有些畏缩不前。
- Now as the TV camera pushes in close to Rostropovich's face, I recognize that charismatic grin as a mask of fierce determination. 现在,电视镜头放出罗斯特罗波维奇的面部特写时,我发现他那充满魅力的笑脸其实是坚定决心的面具。
- In this paper, a TV camera scanning on-axis autoalignment device and methods of digital image processing used in DSW projection printer are presented. 本文介绍一种用于DSW投影光刻机的电视扫描同轴对准装置及数字信号处理方法。
- Finally, the FCPN and MFCPN are used in a target tracing system of FLIR and TV camera for the practical purpose. 同时还对FCPN和MFCPN应用于前视红外 (FLIR)和可见光摄像机目标跟踪系统进行了应用研究。
- She's not nervous about speaking to a lot of people, but speaking to a TV camera is a different kettle of fish. 她在许多人面前讲话都不紧张, 但在电视摄影机前面讲话就完全是两回事了。
- The TV camera held on the whole scene for a minute, then zoomed in on the combat hero. 电视摄像机镜头对着整个场景拍摄了1分钟,然后迅速转为对那位战斗英雄的特写境头。
- MSIS is supplied by El-Op of Israel and includes long-wave thermal imager, Tv camera and laser rangefinder / designator. 该仪器同时具有热成像,电视成像,和激光测距功能。
- "It was my fault,” said Mr.Eckhard.“I didn't tell him that the UN TV camera was on and everyone in the building was listening to his remarks. 他说:“这是我的错,我没有告诉他联合国电视网的摄像机正在录像,联合国大楼里的每个人都在听他的发言。
- The child was self-possessed in front of the TV cameras. 那小孩在电视摄影机前泰然自若。
- Is it Stevie G's screamer against Man United at Anfield or the cheeky kiss he gave to the TV camera after scoring at Old Trafford? 是杰拉德在安菲尔德球场面对曼联的怒吼,还是在老布拉特福德进球后衷情一吻?
- Now, as the TV camera pushes in close to Rostropovich's face, I recognize that 16)charismatic grin as a mask of fierce determination. 现在,电视镜头放出罗斯特罗波维奇的面部特写时,我发现他那充满魅力的笑脸其实是坚定决心的面具。
- Soon speeding off in the direction of Stamford Bridge, it left a TV camera crew that had made a financial contribution to be on board, running along behind. 球队随即驶往斯坦福桥球场,留下一电视摄制小组紧紧跟在后面,他们本来是付费准备在大巴上拍摄的。