- The Pure Land of the West. Amitabha is seated at center, with Avalokitesvara to his left and Mahasthama to his right. 图为阿弥陀佛理想中的西方极乐净土,中坐者为阿弥陀佛,左为观世音菩萨、右为大势至菩萨。(诺那华藏精舍提供)
- The pure land of buddha was actually a good place on earth. 名是佛国净土,实是人间福地。
- So the Pure Land is the best world we should go after our this life. 所以净土是我们此生结束之后,我们应该去的最好的地方。)
- The so-called Pure Land is the pure world free from mundane pollutions. 所谓“净土”,意指无浊污染的清净世界。
- Gu got to work on the Great Mercy Mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Pure Land Mantra of Amitabha. 然后顾书志就开始念诵观音菩萨的大悲咒和阿弥陀佛的净土咒。
- Search the full text of 1 to 55 books of the Japanese translation of the Pure Land Canon. Web Site is in Japanese, developed by Hongwanji in Kyoto. 京都本愿寺开发的检索系统,可以同时对一至五十五本的日文译本真宗圣典经书进行文字列检索。
- You also can imaging Amida Buddha is the president of the Pure Land university, why I call Pure Land is a university? 你也可以把阿弥陀佛想成净土大学的校长,为什么我说净土是个大学?
- When he passed away in 975 AD at the age of 72, Amitabha came to take him to the Pure Land. 永明寿大师于公元975年圆寂,时年72岁,阿弥陀佛亲自接他往生极乐净土。
- Fundus of everything there is profound and simple memories of each of the Pure Land. 眼底的一切便深刻而又单纯地存在每片回忆的净土上。
- When he died in 975 AD at the age of 72,Amitabha came to take him to the Pure Land. 他于公元975年圆寂,时年72岁,阿弥陀佛亲自接他往生极乐净土。
- I have the pure heart of a newborn baby. 我有一颗赤子之心。
- Without severing evil passions One attains Nirvana; Leave them as they are; Just as you are, You will be born in the Pure Land. 不断烦恼得涅槃;随他去,就这样,就能往生净土。
- Master also teaches about liberation while alive, and how to persist in our quest for perfection and thus transform the world into the Pure Land. 师父并教导我们现世解脱的观念,秉持追求完美的精神,化人间为净土。
- You everybody knows the great master Tsong-Kha-Pa (who was in the Kumbum Monastery), didn’t he go to the Pure Land of Maitreya after death? 你们大家都知道宗喀巴大师,(青海省塔儿寺的宗喀巴大师)不是往生弥勒净土吗?
- You can achieve the Pure Land of Maitreya either by repeating the name of Amitabha or reciting the heart mantra of Avalokiteshvara. 念阿弥陀佛也可以成就弥勒净土,你念观世音菩萨心咒也可以往生弥勒净土。
- Both Avalokiteshvara and Amitabha are western Buddha, if only you correctly generated the mind, why can’t you go to the Pure Land? 观音菩萨、阿弥陀佛都是西方三圣,又怎么不能往生呢?
- The founders of the new Temple was built in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, which is the Pure Land Buddhism, the Pure Land of Maitreya faction. 新寺创始建于隋唐,属净土宗,弥勒净土派。
- I'm satisfied with the Learning Center in general. 整体而言,我对学习中心感到满意。
- Sanskrit word, the Buddha of Medicine, who quells all diseases and lengthens life. His is the Buddha in the Pure Land of the Paradise of the East. 药师琉璃光如来,梵名鞞杀社窭噜,简称药师佛,又作药师如来、药师琉璃光如来、消灾延寿药师佛、阿閦佛、大医王佛、医王善逝、十二愿王、大医药王。