- I enter upon my task without proving the importance of the subject. 我在尚且没有证明我要研究的主题的重要性的情况下直接投入了这项研究。
- The importance of the subject is suggested by a voluminous literature. 很多文献提到了这个问题的重要性。
- The importance of his ideas is that they represent the unspoken opinion of the silent majority. 他的见解之所以重要,是因为他的见解代表着普通美国大众没有说出来的意见。
- Iam not aware of the importance of the matter. 我没有意识到事情的重要性。
- We must be aware of the importance of the matter. 我们必须意识到事态的重要性。
- We urged on you the importance of the time factor. 我们曾向你方强调过时间因素的主要性。
- He exaggerated the importance of the event. 他夸大了这事件的重要性。
- He emphasized the importance of careful driving. 他强调小心驾驶的重要性。
- He impressed me with the importance of the task. 他使我深知那工作的重要性。
- He doubted of the importance of honesty. 他不相信诚实有多么重要。
- He pointed out the importance of the work. 他指出这一工作的重要性。
- The importance of the examination came home to him. 他意识到了考试的重要性。
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 这是有关这个问题的权威著作之一。
- Not until then did he realize the importance of the problem. 直到那时他才认识到这个问题的重要性。
- What's the import of the speech? 这个演说的意义是什么?
- The subject was hotly debated among the members of the committee. 这个问题曾经在委员会的委员中作过热烈的辩论。
- He noted the importance of the problem in his lecture. 他在演讲中著重提到这一问题的重要性。
- His knowledge of the subject stood him in good stead. 他的这门学科的知识对他很有好处。
- The importance of empathy in acting is a major theme of this book, and I'll spend more time on the subject later. 同情(入戏)在表演中的重要性是本书的一个重要主题,我之后会在这一话题上花更多的时间。
- She has a comprehensive grasp of the subject. 她已全面掌握了这一学科。