- TB contro 结核病防治
- I have collected a lot of herbs good for TB. 我采集了许多可治结核病的草药。
- About two-million people die from TB each year. 每年大约有200万人死人肺结核,
- Of these, TB is one of the most serious. 肺结核病无疑是继发感染的疾病中最致命的一种。
- TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured. 肺结核虽然是一种严重的疾病,但可治愈。
- Each year, two-million people die from TB. 每年有200万人死于肺结核,
- Father died of TB when he was only thirty-five. 我父亲死于肺结核病,当时只有35岁。”
- The TB economic burden was calulated as DALY. 方法:采用失能调整上(daly)方法计算疾病经济负担。
- I thought TB was prevented by a vaccine? 我认为结核病是采用一种疫苗来预防的?
- Disease refers to damage caused by TB bacilli. 结核病指由结核杆菌造成的损害。
- TB: Public Health versus Personal Liberty? 肺结核:公众健康与个人自由哪个更重要?
- How is TB spread and am I likely to get infected? 结核病如何传播、我可能感染结核病吗?
- Negative Flow Contro is carried out by using the pilot pressure. 通过先导压力进行负流量控制。
- Turkish doctor inoculates child against TB, 1970s. 二十世纪七十年代土耳其医生给儿童接种结核疫苗。
- S’empie di fulmini le mani, e li lancia contro gli avversari. 他在自己的周围展开电光,又用水遮盖海底;
- Every breath counts - Stop TB now! 控制结核病,让每一次呼吸更健康!
- Cover all air TB channels and CATV channels. 覆盖所有广播及有线频道。
- TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured . 肺结核虽然是一种严重的疾病,但是可以治愈。
- Tb wbbL gene is Rv3265 in H37Rv genome. 编码结核分枝杆菌鼠李糖基转移酶的 wbbL 基因为基因组中的第 3265个开放阅读框 Rv3265。
- Basic control of TB is the key, they say. 他们说对结核病的基础控制是关键所在。