- OR-18550R-1855
- 布鲁斯,戴维1855-1931澳大利亚医生和细菌学家,因解释了引起波型热或布氏杆菌病的细菌(1887年)而闻名American political leader who was the first Black politician to serve a full term in the U.S. Senate(1875-1881).
- 高斯,卡尔 弗雷德里希1777-1855德国数学家和天文学家,因其对代数、微积分几何、或然率理论和数字理论的贡献而为人称道German mathematician and astronomer known for his contributions to algebra, differential geometry, probability theory, and number theory.
- 高斯,卡尔·弗雷德里希1777-1855德国数学家和天文学家,因其对代数、微积分几何、或然率理论和数字理论的贡献而为人称道。Gauss, Karl Friedrich1777-1855 German mathematician and astronomer known for his contributions to algebra, differential geometry, probability theory, and number theory.
- 高斯,卡尔·弗雷德里希1777-1855德国数学家和天文学家,因其对代数、微积分几何、或然率理论和数字理论的贡献而为人称道German mathematician and astronomer known for his contributions to algebra, differential geometry, probability theory, and number theory.
- 杜克,本杰明·牛顿1855-1929美国烟草工业领袖,与其弟杰姆士·布坎南·杜克组建美国烟草公司并出资捐助三一学院,为纪念他们,三一学院更名为杜克大学American tobacco-industry leader who with his brother James Buchanan Duke(1856-1925) organized the American Tobacco Company(1890) and endowed Trinity College, which was renamed Duke University in their honor(1924).