- L-SystemL-system
- Team System testing tools在生成单元测试时将使用命名约定。The Team System testing tools use naming conventions when it generates unit tests.
- MB-System软件包software packet MB-System
- [law,system+] 生效to come into force
- system.management基类System Management base-class
- DSS的元系统(meta system)Meta System of DSS
- System(MAS)多智能体系统large-scale forecasting
- 最好的位置是Windows的system目录The best place is your Windows system directory
- 添加对System.Design程序集的引用。Add a reference to the System.Design assembly.
- WCF跟踪建立在System.Diagnostics之上。WCF tracing is built on top of System.Diagnostics.
- 基于System View的HDB3编解码仿真系统Simulation System of HDB3 Codec Based on SystemView
- Unix System V IPC及共享内存机制分析The Analysis of Unix System V IPC and Share Memory Audit
- 基于System Generator的DBF的建模与仿真Modeling and Simulation of DBF Based on System Generator
- System.Windows.Forms命名空间中的大多数控件都将基础的Windows公共控件用作生成基础。The majority of the controls in the System.Windows.Forms namespace use the underlying Windows common control as a base to build on.
- 介绍如何从Team System testing tools窗口以及从解决方案的文件中运行测试和测试项目。Describes how to run tests and test projects from Team System testing tools windows and from files in your solution.
- 瑞士GF集团收购了瑞典的System 3R工具公司Switzerland GF Group Acquires Sweden System 3R Tool Co
- Visual Studio将附加到该进程,执行将在System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break()语句处暂停。Visual Studio will attach to the process, with execution paused at the System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break() statement.
- 请确保SYSTEM对Exchsrvr以及每个分区上包含Exchange数据的所有子文件夹拥有完全控制权。Make sure that SYSTEM has full control of Exchsrvr and all subfolders on each partition that contains Exchange data.
- WebRequest实例在运行时的实际行为由System.Net.WebRequest.Create方法返回的子类确定。The actual behavior of WebRequest instances at run time is determined by the descendant class returned by the System.Net.WebRequest.Create method.
- Team System testing tools不执行空测试运行。Team System testing tools will not execute an empty test run.