- Synonym database 同义词库
- In SNA, synonym for pacing group. 在系统网络体系结构(SNA)中,与“调步组”同义。
- This database is only accessible by the authorized manager. 只有授权的管理员才可以访问此数据库。
- Zhuge Liang is a synonym for wisdom in folklore. 诸葛亮在民间传说中成了智慧的代名词。
- I need a synonym dictionary for my essay. 我需要一本同义词词典来写文章。
- Give the synonym and antonym of this word. 给出这个词的同义词和反义词。
- Now, YCL is being tagged as a synonym of terror. 现在,共青团又被诬蔑为恐怖的代名词。
- In computer programming, synonym for procedure. 在计算机程序设计中同procedure(过程)。
- In sorting, synonym for control word. 在分类(排序)技术中,其含义同“控制字”。
- What? You even do not know what a synonym is? 一天,一个10岁的孩子问母亲:"妈,什么是同义词?"
- Can you give me a synonym for leisure? 您能给我一个闲暇的同义字吗?
- Branch officials can access the central database. 分行官员可利用中央数据库。
- Renders any synonym expansions returned. 交付返回的所有同义词扩展。
- Create public synonym dept for scott. Dept. 适合当前用户。建公共同义词
- Most other so call ed database abstraction layers for PHP only provide a common API for all supported databas es and only very limited abstr action (mostly only for sequen ces). 大部分其他的 PHP 的所谓数据库抽象 层紧紧给所有支持的数据库提供了一个公用 API 以及非常有限 的抽象(大部分只是针对序列的)。
- In sorting,synonym for control word. 在分类(排序)技术中,其含义同“控制字”。
- Pax has been treated as a synonym of A. Pax作为陕西槭A.;shensiense Fang的新异名。
- Export Database to CSV format in plain text format. 出口数据库到在普通文本格式的CSV格式。
- Is there another word for synonym? 同义词有同义词吗?
- The Restriction Enzyme Database from NEB. 限制苺资料库取自新英格兰生物实验室公司。