- Objective: To study Collapse Syndrome and the diagnosis of MODS. 目的研究多脏器功能不全(MODS)患者脱证及其诊断。
- Syncope - collapse syndrome 厥脱
- The Diagnostic Study of Collapse Syndrome in Patients with MODS MODS患者脱证的诊断探讨
- He collapse the wheelchair and put it on the boat. 他将轮椅折叠起来放在船上。
- The shack seemed almost ready to collapse. 那小屋子好像是快要倒塌了。
- The cartoon ended with collapse of stout party. 卡通以一个自以为是的人斗败后目瞪口呆作为结束。
- The wind caused the tent to collapse. 风把帐篷吹塌了。
- She looked ready to collapse at any minute. 她看样子随时都可能垮下来。
- Vasovagal syncope(VVS)is a frequent clinic apsychia syndrome. 血管迷走性晕厥(VVS)是一种常见的临床晕厥综合征。
- The out break of the war precipitated the collapse of our firm. 战争的爆发加速了我们公司的倒闭。
- The collapse of the building caused no casualties. 建筑倒塌没有造成伤亡。
- The stock market was on the brink of collapse. 股市已到崩盘的边缘。
- The house is now in danger of collapse. 这座房子有倒塌的危险。
- Sick building syndrome is a disease of our time. 办公大楼病症候群徵是一种现代病。
- Some miners were trapped underground after the collapse. 塌方后,有些矿工被困在地下。
- An Elaboration on Treatment for Headache due to Collapse Syndrome in Internal classic 厥头痛辨治发微
- Most of patients with unexplained syncope had VS. 结论:不明原因晕厥患者中血管迷走神经性晕厥(vs)占大多数;
- The engineer made a complete diagnosis of the bridge's collapse. 工程师对桥的倒塌做一次彻底的调查分析。
- Are there "risk factors" for vasovagal syncope? 血管迷走神经性晕厥的危险因素有哪些?
- The mechanism of vasovagal syncope is complex. 血管迷走性晕厥机制复杂。