- Swiss special baked lamb chop 瑞士香烤羊扒
- Meat; steak, lamb chop, and chicken. 肉类;牛排、羊排肉、鸡肉。
- So I wouldn`t have to eat Daddy`s sucky lamb chop. 那样的话;我就不用吃爸爸烧的难吃的羊排了.
- I turn the protein in his dinner lamb chop into amino acids. 我把他晚餐吃的羊排里的蛋白质转变成氨基酸。
- Which do you prefer, lamb chops or pork chops? 你比较喜欢小羊排,还是猪排?
- Each lamb chop is portioned 3/4-inch thick and is approximately 8 ounces. 每块羊肉有3/4英寸厚,大约重8盎司。
- Do you also want a leg of lamb or lamb chops? 你还要买羊腿或羊排吗?
- Well, I would recommend you to try the lamb chop and the lamb ball, these are typical Turkish flavor. 羊肉您可以试试羊排,还可以尝尝羊肉丸子,这都是地道的土耳其风味。
- Billy had the same morsel of lamb chop in his mouth for what seemed like five minutes. 比利嚼着嘴里那块羊排,看来足有五分钟之久。
- OK, so you need lamb chop and meat balls and one whole salmon, I guess this should be enough for you. Any side dish? 好的,您要的拼盆是羊排、羊肉丸子和一条鱼,这应该足够了。之前还要先来点小菜吗?
- And a scattering of very wakeful men in nearby seats knew it: a small squad of FBI agents and a separate team of Swiss Special Forces commandos, all carefully positioned around the suspect, all warily watching his every move. 散坐在近旁座位上那些高度警觉的人是知道的:那是一小队联邦调查局的特工人员和另一队瑞士特别部队的突击队员,他们被精心安排在嫌犯四周,密切监视其一举一动。
- He bought five pounds of lamb chops. 他买了五磅的小羊排。
- Grilled lamb chop that salted in advanced with celery, onion, spices and Indonesia miso. 羊排以西芹;洋葱、月桂叶、印尼味增调味,长时间腌放入味后炭烤。
- Man: May I order please? OK, I need one Mushroom Port Consomme. How is the lamb chop? 我们可以开始了。我需要一份甜酒蘑菇清汤、烧烤羊排的味道怎么样?
- GTT 死神 : Something else has caught their attention. A lamb chop caravan is passing through a nearby route and Zulus are headed towards it. 他们在路上遇到了其他事情。一个迷路的疲惫于战斗的车队即将从你们附近经过,怪物们正在向他们冲去。
- Wash and pat dry the lamb chop, rub the spices on both sides evenly. Cover with plastic food wrap and rest in the fridge for at least half an hour. 羊肉排洗净擦干,两面都均匀抹上混合好的香料和盐,盖上保险膜放在冰箱里,腌至少半小时。
- The lamb chops sizzled as they were dropped into the big pan. 当把羊排丢进大锅里去的时候,它们发出咝咝的声音。
- Along with lamb string, stewed lamb chops and so on. 同时还有羊肉串、炖羊排等。
- After she put the lamb chops in the broiler, she sat down to open the package. 她把羊排放进烤肉器里以后,便坐下来开那盒子。
- B: Yes. I need 2 pounds of ground beef, 5 lamb chops and 1 pound of sausage. 是的。我需要两磅的绞牛肉,五块小羊肉,以及一磅的香肠。