- Sweet Sound of Unrequited Love 单相思的甜蜜声音
- A trickling sweet sound of reading in the gentle breeze! 和风里传来书声朗朗!看!
- I have seen the movie Sun and Man, which follows the script of Unrequited Love. 《太阳和人》,就是根据剧本《苦恋》拍摄的电影,我看了一下。
- I have seen the movie Sun and Man,which follows the script of Unrequited Love. 《太阳和人》,就是根据剧本《苦恋》拍摄的电影,我看了一下。
- With the sweet sound of their singing they beckon to you for me. 她要用那甜蜜歌声诉说我的爱情。
- Hawaii whispers romance in the lap of the ocean on the beach and in the sweet sound of a love song. 夏威夷在吹过椰子树的微风中,海浪的轻拍声中,甜蜜的爱情颂歌中,低低吟唱着浪漫。
- It is no longer necessary for Jiefangjun Bao to continue its criticism of Unrequited Love. 关于对《苦恋》的批评,《解放军报》现在可以不必再批了,《文艺报》要写出质量高的好文章,对《苦恋》进行批评。
- The song is based on a legend of unrequited love set in a deserted castle on the ancient Silk Road, it creates a deep and intoxicating sadness which surrounds and inhabits you. 它讲述了发生在丝绸之路上一座无人问津的空堡中的一段古老的爱情传说,抒发着一种令人沉醉的深深哀愁,将你笼罩其中,难以自拔。
- The color is lavender, thinner than ruddily of love, thicker than pink of unrequited love. 暧昧是淡紫色的,比赤红色的热恋淡一点,比粉红色的暗恋浓一点。
- Valentine's Day became something of a torment -- an introduction to the heartbreak of unrequited love ("heartbreak" = 607,000 hits on Google; "unrequited love" = 118,000 hits). 瓦伦丁节变成了一件痛苦的事情--它带来了因为爱没有回报而感到的心碎。(在Google键入"心碎",有607000个网址;键入"没有回报的爱",118000个网址)
- Earth is healing her experiences of unrequited love, abandonment, rejection, and harm, and in so doing, is entering a state of non-conditional love upon a global scale. 地球正在疗愈她未回报之爱、放弃、拒绝和伤害的经历,这样做,她正在全球范围进入无条件爱的状态。
- Do you hear the nightingales call?Ah, they beckon to you, With the sweet sound of their singing they beckon to you for me. 你可听见夜莺歌唱,她在向你恳请,她要用那甜蜜歌声诉说我的爱情。
- A gorgeously photographed tale of unrequited love and passion\, Xu Jinglei's adaptation of Stefan Zweig's memorable short story is a visual and romantic masterpiece. 故事说的是1948年深冬,一个男子在41岁生日当天收到一封厚厚的信,这封信出自一个临死的女人,说的是一个缠绵的爱情故事,而这个故事的男主人公对此一无所知。
- When the Duke sends her to help him woo the Lady Olivia, the obstacles of unrequited love, self-deceit and mistaken identity soon lead an assortment of lovers on a merry dance. 后来,公爵派薇奥拉替他向奥丽维娅求婚。这一段没有报酬的爱,充斥著欺诈的手段和错认,居然得到美满的结局。
- The song the little girl sang by fits was of a strangely sweet sound. 小女孩断断续续唱出的这首歌异常优美。
- I was awakened by the sound of church bells. 我被教堂的钟声吵醒。
- The sound of danger gives wings to his flight. 危险的信号加速了他的逃跑。
- The sound of the cheering faded away. 欢呼声在逐渐消失。
- She is enamoured of the sound of her own voice. 她陶醉于自己的嗓音。
- She is enamored of the sound of her own voice. 她陶醉于自己的嗓音。