- Assist to coordinate assessment for applicants. 协助协调申请人条件评估.
- I want to have cosmetic surgery to fix my nose. 我想去做整容手术来修正我的鼻子。
- We need to coordinate our efforts. 我们需要协调我们的工作。
- We need to do surgery to remove the tumor. 我们需要做手术切除肿瘤。
- She had cosmetic surgery to make her look younger. 她做了整容外科手术,使她看起来较年轻。
- Do laser surgery to you can treat myopia really? 做激光手术真的能治疗近视眼吗?
- What does myopia do laser surgery to have to ask? 近视眼做激光手术有什么要求吗?
- Surgery to Lose Fat, Get Bigger Breasts? 手术抽脂让胸部变大好吗?
- To coordinate production problem with other dept. 与其他部门协调各类生产问题;
- We use a computer to coordinate. 我们使用一台电脑来协调推销活动。
- I need you to coordinate tomorrow's schedule. 我需要你来协调明天的日程安排。
- Surgery to coordinate 手术配合
- Objective To investigate the surgery to treat severe ptosis. 目的探讨重度上睑下垂的最佳手术方法。
- Loss of the ability to coordinate muscular movement. 失调指失去协调肌肉运动的能力
- To assist Forman to coordinate staff issues on production floor. 帮助领班协调生产车间的员工问题。
- Tensor algebra is tied to coordinates. 张量代数则离不开坐标系。
- Patients may need surgery to stop the infection from spreading. 为了控制病情,患者或需接受外科手术。
- One can go in for Laser Treatment, surgery to name a few. 可以在一个激光治疗,手术等等。
- She had to have surgery to remove an obstruction from her throat. 为去除咽喉里的堵塞物,她不得不接受手术。
- She had cosmetic surgery to tauten her drooping breasts. 她动美容外科手术,使下垂的乳房坚挺起来。