- Our cruising speed is now up to 500 km. 我们的飞行速度现在达到了500公里。
- The motor hummed pleasantly as the plane reached cruising speed . 飞机达到最大节油速度时,马达发出的嗡嗡声很好听。
- The motor hummed pleasantly as the plane reached cruising speed. 飞机达到最大节油速度时,马达发出的嗡嗡声很好听。
- The cruising speed of this new type of fighter is Mach two. 这种新型战斗机的巡航速度为声速的两倍。
- At normal cruising speed it will get 90 km/per liter. 以正常的行驶速度,它一公升可跑九十公里。
- Twin350 hp should see a cruising speed of around11 knots. 半浮式船体,配备2台550马力发动机航速可达14海里,2台350马力发动机航速可达11海里。
- The steam turbine is less economical at cruising speed. 汽轮机的巡航经济性较差。
- Our cruise speed is now up to 400 km. 我们的巡航速度现在达到了400公里。
- In good visibility and weather conditions, drive at a steady cruising speed within the limits of the vehicle. 在视野和天气都良好的情况下,车辆应在可容许的车速限制内,以稳定车速行驶。
- The cruising speed of this new type of fighter is twice the speed of sound (or is Mach two). 这种新型战斗机的巡航速度为声速的二倍。
- At its usual cruising speed (at least with me aboard) of 22-25 mph or so, the Fujin SL-II was as docile as the proverbial kitten. 在其一贯的巡航速度(至少跟我上)22-25英里左右,富锦市下午二-二是因为温顺,因为谚语中的小猫。
- The sensitivity analysis shows that train acceleration deceleration rate, cruising speed, and block length are dominating factors of signal close-in time. 从敏感度分析的比较结果发现,闭塞区间长度、列车加减速度,以及巡航速度等,皆是影响号志安全时距的重要因素。
- While one finds a comfortable cruising speed, the other senses if distances close too fast, and pre-charges the brakes for panic stops should the need arise. 虽然我们会发现一个舒适的巡航速度,其他感官如果距离近得太快,和预先收费刹车恐慌站如有需要。
- The Sky Knight has the new allison 225-10a turbine engine, derated to 200 hp. It will have an operation ceiling of 13,000 ft above ground effect, with a 160 kmph maximum cruising speed. 空中骑士装有新型艾利逊225-10a涡轮发动机,其额定功率降低到200hp,该直升机的实际最大升限为13,0。00ft,最大巡航速度为160公里/小时。
- When allowance is made for the separate auxiliary load the consumption can rise to nearly1 Ib/ SHP hour and this is generally about20% better than the overall fuel consumption of a steam plant at cruising speed. [ 误译]当考虑分开的辅机负荷时,其耗油率几乎能增加到1磅/轴马力小时,一般来说比蒸汽装置的巡航总油耗大约多20%25。
- When allowance is made for the separate auxiliary load the consumption can rise to nearly 1 Ib/SHP hour and this is generally about 20% better than the overall fuel consumption of a steam plant at cruising speed. 当考虑分开的辅机负荷时,其耗油率几乎能增加到1磅/轴马力小时,一般来说比蒸汽装置的巡航总油耗大约多20%25。
- However, air transportation is the most expensive mode of transportation, especially for the short-haul routes, say in Europe, where the economic cruising speed cannot be achieved. 译文:然而,空运是最昂贵的运输模式,特别对于那些短途路线来说,好比在欧洲说吧,在那,最省燃料的速度航行都没能够实现。
- In an atmosphere, it can achieve cruising speeds of up to 1,150 kilometers per hour, and divebomb speeds of 1,250 kilometers per hour. 在大气层中,它可以获得1150公里的巡航时速,和1250公里的俯冲时速。
- Citation-CJ1 4-5-seat twin-engine business jet is produced by USA Cessna Aircraft Company.Its maximum cruising speed is 704KM/H,practical ceiling is 12497M,and maximum range is 2700km. 奖状CJ-1飞机是美国赛斯那飞机公司研制生产的4-5座双发喷气公务机,最大巡航速度704公里/小时,适用升限12497米,最大航程2700公里。
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。