- (=activity) 活动,活动度,效能activ.
- factor Ⅷ clotting activity第Ⅷ因子凝固活性
- 现在您将会检查ACTIVITY视图。You will now take a look at the ACTIVITY view.
- [activity,idea+] 与某物一致to be compatible with sth
- 接下来是Dependent Activity报告。The next report is the Dependent Activity report.
- (=intrinsic activity) 内在活性,固有活性I.A.
- assay for platelet factor Ⅲ activity血小板因子Ⅲ活动度测定
- [of place,activity etc] 某物的诱人之处the attraction of sth
- [product,activity+] 为某物的一个主要成分to be a staple of sth
- estimation of factor Ⅷ coagulation activity因子Ⅷ凝血活性测定
- factor eight(Ⅷ)inhibitor bypassing activity第八因子旁路活性抑制剂
- 程序运行时文件中增加或删除的记录的百分比。参阅activity。The percentage of records on a file that are added or deleted during a run.
- 现在,只需要一个使用该连接的新LEI Direct Transfer Activity了。Now all you need is a new LEI Direct Transfer Activity that uses this connection.
- 概率(Activity Criticality Probability, ACP)和工序关键指标(Activity CrucialityProbability (PCP), Activity Criticality Probability (ACP), Activity 'Cruciality'
- 它的历史可追溯到一年前当时万维网联合体(W3C)授权编制一个叫SGML Activity的东西。It dates back slightly more than a year, to when the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) authorized the creation of something called the SGML Activity.
- Activity Trends Collector任务处理该数据,并产生“趋势化”数据,用于绘制图表和平衡资源。The Activity Trends Collector task processes this data, and produces "trended" data that you can use for charting and resource balancing.
- 阐述了利用多刚体系统动力学进行航天员舱外活动仿真EVA(Extra Vehicu-lar Activity)的必要性.The necessity of computational multi-body dynamics simulating the astronaut extra vehicular activity(EVA) was described.
- Activity Trends特性用于分析“历史”服务器数据,以助于发现只有通过很长时间才能发现的趋势。The Activity Trends feature lets you analyze "historical" server data, to help spot trends that can only be identified over an extended period of time.
- 传统的噪声估计方法是基于语音活性检测(Voice Activity Detection,VAD)的,具有简单,易实现的优点。Classical methods of estimating noise are based on Voice Activity Detection (VAD) which is easy to be realized in practical.
- 你认为我们应该怎样提高我们射击运动员的水平呢? Shooting is regarded as a recreational activity now.In your opinion, how can we improve the standard of our shooters?