- An LPD differs from a Landing Ship, Dock (LSD) in that an LPD usually carries large numbers of troops at the expense of vehicles and cargo. LPD于LSD船坞登陆舰不同在于载运大量的兵员而削减了车辆和物资载量。
- Durd arrived aboard a Trade Federation landing ship flying Separatist colors and set up a camp on Maridun. 杜德来到了一艘分离主义的贸易联盟登陆艇上,到马里登扎营。
- This paper introduces the application of twin-skeg lines form on two types of landing ship. 本文介绍了双艉鳍线型在两型登陆运输船设计中的应用研究成果。
- Admiral Doyle, as a safeguard, had earmarked several LSDs (landing ship, docks) to lift off the tractor companies and their vehicles. 作为一项安全措施,道尔将军准备了几艘船坞登陆舰用于装载这几个连的官兵和他们的车辆。
- According to Mr Morgenthau, Mr Li's front companies acquired the financing to ship large quantities of components to Iran's missile and nuclear programmes between November 2006 and September 2008. 据摩根索表示,李方维的幌子公司在2006年11月至2008年9月期间,利用融资向伊朗的核计划和导弹计划发运了大量零部件。
- A total of 22,215 Marines had boarded an assemblage of 4 transports, 16 landing ships, an assault cargo ship, and 7 merchant ships. 总计有22,215名海军陆战队员装载在由4艘运输舰、16艘登陆舰、1艘武装货船和7艘商船上。
- During the same period, the United States clandestinely shipped large amounts of arms and ammunition overland to the rebels entrenched in the Shannan area. 这一时期,美国还从陆路偷运大批武器弹药供给盘踞山南的叛乱分子。
- Fifth Fleet spokesman said that at 1:00 on the 20th or so, "Hartford" Kursk and "New Orleans" amphibious landing ship collided in New Orleans, killing 15 submarine crew was slightly injured. 第五舰队发言人介绍说,20日凌晨1点左右,“哈特福德”号核潜艇与“新奥尔良”号两栖登陆舰在新奥尔良相撞,造成15名核潜艇艇员受轻伤。
- He needs a high income to support such a large family. 他需要有高收入才能供养得起这样一个大家庭。
- During the same period,the United States clandestinely shipped large amounts of arms and ammunition overland to the rebels entrenched in the Shannan area. 这一时期,美国还从陆路偷运大批武器弹药供给盘踞山南的叛乱分子。
- Although the cost of shipping goods from Nanjingother mainland airports has fallen dramatically, high fuel prices continue to make it more attractive to ship large cargo by sea rather than air. 从南京及其它内地机场运输货物的费用大幅下降,但燃料价格居高不下,继续使得通过船舶运输大型货物比空运更具吸引力。
- He must work very hard in order to support his large family. 他必须拼命工作以养活他的大家庭。
- He had the support of large sections of the populace. 他获得大多数民众的支持。
- Landing Ship Material Supply Officer 登陆舰器材补给官
- The scribe worked hard to support his family. 那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。
- Anchorage-class dock landing ship 安克拉治级船坞登陆舰
- The Galapagos Islands are paradise to cruise ships large and small filled with outdoor adventurers, animal enthusiasts, bird watchers, swimmers, snorkelers4, hikers and nature lovers. 大大小小的巡游船只满载着户外探险者、动物爱好者、鸟类观察者、游泳爱好者、潜水爱好者、徒步旅行者和自然爱好者来到加拉帕戈斯,这里是他们的乐土。
- I have a wife and two children to support. 我有妻子和两个小孩要扶养。
- medium landing ship rocket [LSMR] 中型登陆舰火箭