- The daily supply capacity of tap water reached 3.671 million tons. 自来水日供水能力达到367.;1万吨。
- Analysis on the water supply capacity of the Yellow River Drainage Basin? 黄河流域可供水量究竟有多少?
- It owns advanced equipments ,strong supply capacity and consummate procession of design and editing. 公司拥有先进的设备,雄厚的供货能力,精湛的设计打版本队伍。
- We wish as well to get the prices lingerie such as panties and bras, confirm your supply capacity as well. 有意购买女士贴身内衣如底裤、纹胸,请报价并确定供应量。
- There are two determinate factors to currency supply capacity: one is currency IER, the other is basic currency. 货币供给量的决定因素有两个:一是货币乘数,另一个是基础货币。
- The second natural gas transmission pipeline from the gas field to Beijing will be built to increase natural gas supply capacity to 5 billion cubic meters in 2008. 完成第二条天然气进京管线的建设,到2008年天然气供应能力达到50亿立方米。
- Purchase of the company is centralized, and convenient as well as fast delivery is accessible, with the daily supply capacity of 6000 shares. 公司采购统一提供方便快捷的专业配送,日供能力6000份。
- Monthly supply capacity analyses and confirmation by balancing stock (FG, WIP &RM), customer demands (AOP, MTP, orders) and production capacity... 公司性质:外商独资公司规模:1000-9999人经验要求:3-5年最低学历:专科及同等学历
- We wish as well to get the prices diaper covers fro babies also napkins and babies towel, babies shirts and bras, confirm your supply capacity as well. 有意购买婴儿尿布、餐巾、婴儿毛巾、婴儿服装和纹胸,请报价并确定供应量。
- The general status of Dawu Ground-water Source Area is also presented, including the geomorphic feature, exploitation of groundwater, water supply capacity, exiting problems etc. 介绍了大武水源地的基本情况,包括地理地貌、地下水开采、供水能力和存在的主要问题等。
- A study is made on the drop of water supply capacity of cast iron pipes caused by pipe ageing on the basis of Hazen-William water conveyance capacity computation formula. 本文对铸铁金属给水管道老化导致其输水能力下降的影响进行了研究。
- For analyzing water supply capacity of the water inrush wells in the YuXin coal mine of Xingmi city,large scale pumping test were carried out as presentd in this paper. 为了给矿井设计和施工提供可靠的水文地质参数,本文利用郭屯矿井井筒检查孔抽水试验数据,根据地下水动力学原理,准确地预算出各井筒涌水量。
- The supply of basic currency is a acrogenic variable controlled by the authorities in our country, so the supply capacity is determined by estimating money multiplier. 我国基础货币的供给量基本上是由货币当局控制的外生变量,货币供给量是否达到预期目标关键在于估计货币乘数的大小。
- Output growth will increase the supply capacity of domestic commissariat effectively, be beneficial to thereby alleviate current provisionment slants tight situation. 产量增长将有效提高国内粮食的供给能力,从而有益于缓解当前粮食供给偏紧的局面。
- The Chinese government will strive to avoid a rapid increase in grain demand beyond the supply capacity through guided grain consumption and tapping the grain-producing potential as well as the potential of non-grain food production. 中国政府将通过引导消费,既挖掘粮食生产潜力,又挖掘非粮食食物生产潜力,避免粮食需求超过供给能力过快增长。
- The urban population using gas is 215.3044 million ones,the gas dissemination rate being 60.23%. by the end of 2001,the steam heat supply capacity is 72242 tons/hour. The warm water heat supply capacity is 126090 megwa. 城市用气人口21530.;44万人,燃气普及率达到60
- The compressive urban water consumption per capita will reach 430L/person-day, tap water supply capacity 387,000 ton/day, and access rate to tap water 100% in Tongzhou New Town in 2020. 2020年通州新城城市综合人均用水量430升/(人.;日),新城自来水供水能力达到38
- The firm's tender for the supply of timber has been accepted. 那家商号的供应木材投标已被接受。
- The effects of basic nitrogen supply capacity(BNC)of different texture soils(sandy soil,loam soil and clay soil)on potential rice yield(PRY)in Jiangsu Province were studied at 196 experiment plots in 11 counties with 19 different rice varieties. 以近年来江苏省广泛种植的19个不同基因型水稻品种为材料,在11个县市区196个田块进行试验,研究江苏省不同类型土壤基础供氮能力对水稻产量的影响。
- Three voltage regulating methods are usually used in enlarging the power supply capacity of electrified railways: voltage regulating transformer (VRT), series capacitor compensation (SCC), and adjustable parallel capacitor compensation (APCC). 以提高牵引网电压水平为主要目标的电气化扩能改造中可供使用的常用调压方法有:调压变压器(VRT),串联电容补偿(SCC)和可调并联电容补偿(APCC)。