- Yes, and there can also be the power interchange between shore supply and ship supply. 是的。主配电板中也可进行岸电和船电的切换和控制。
- The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods. 供求规律决定商品的价格。
- We must try to maintain the equilibrium of supply and demand. 我们必须努力保持供求均衡。
- That and mines and lumber and shipping. 铁路和矿业和木材和航运。
- But freezing and shipping milk can be costly. 但是冷冻和运输母乳的成本很高。
- We could pack and ship these souvenirs for you. 我们可以为您包装及托运。
- Govern by supply and demand, price is the invisible hand in economics. 在经济生活中,价格是看不见的手,取决於供给与需求关系。
- Surplus wheat is put in storage and shipped abroad. 剩余的小麦被储存起来运到海外。
- This shop ensures ample supply and prompt delivery. 本商店保证货源充足,供应及时。
- I agree to the terms concerning the packing and shipping marks. 我同意关于包装和唛头的条款。
- I have asked the ship assistant, they said this is good for your bump. 我问过店员了,他们说这个对消肿有帮助的。
- Supply and train operator in QA Dept. 支持与培训QA部门的操作员。
- It's a textbook marriage of supply and demand. 供求双方各得其所,合作十分理想。
- Can you pack them and ship to Canada? 你们能把这些东西包装好,托运到加拿大吗?
- Does the law of supply and demand operate? 供给和需求有运作的法则吗?
- Please look at the way we pack and ship. 请看看我们包装以及装运的情形。
- Energy LINK USB portable power supply and adaptor. 将推出一款便携式给USB设备提供电源供应的适配器
- FedEx Shipping Assistant is a free software program that will speed up your shipping cycle, reduce errors and streamline your entire process. FedEx电子快递助理是一套免费提供的软体,能缩短您托运所需的时间,减少失误及精简整个托运程序。
- The law of supply and demand is simple. 供求规则很简单。
- The laws of supply and demand do not applyhere. 供需法则并不适用于此地。