- Superpower in its own right 凭自身力量获得超级大国的地位
- Vermouth, aromatized wine, is becoming popular in its own right. 味美思芳香酒凭其本身的质量正日益成为大众所爱饮用的名酒。
- A quality preschool education is important in its own right. 就其本身而言,高质量的学前教育就很重要。
- Vermouth, aromatized wine, is becoming popular in its own right . 味美思芳香酒凭其本身的质量正日益成为大众爱饮的酒。
- That contentment is a kind of achievement in its own right. 这种满足来自他创造的佳绩。
- The packaging of goods for sale has become a large industry in its own right. 商品包装本身已经成为一大行业。
- But is Levi-Strauss Signature strong enough to stand in its own right? 是否能强大到足以凭借自己的力量立足呢?
- As a profession in its own right, why has the response from the education circles been so homogeneous? 再者,教育作为一个专业范畴,其自律反省的精神在哪里?
- A sub-system is a system in its own right whose operation is independent of the services provided by other sub-systems. 一个子系统独立构成系统,不依赖其他子系统提供的服务。
- An offer on a batch is unique in its own right and shall not be conditional on the result of any other batch. 对某一批货物的出价仅限于该批货物,与其他货物的成交结果不相干。
- This field is emerging as a discipline in its own right and is called crystal characterization. 这一领域正在形成一门独立的学科,称为晶体鉴定学。
- The River Beas, though a tributary of the River Indus, is also a major river in its own right. 双鱼河虽然是梧桐河的支流,但本身流量亦很大,在香港亦称得上是主要河流之一。
- This car will turn in its own length. 这种汽车可以在自身长度范围内掉头。
- As a major customer in its own right, Government can help nurture a viable e-business support industry. 政府作为电子商务市场的主要参与者之一,可带动电子商务支援行业的蓬勃发展。
- And, just as we have become fascinated by the process in its own right ,the piece evaporates in a tiny flourish. 正当人们着迷于乐曲独特的变化时,它却以一小段响亮而令人兴奋的音乐结束了。
- The non sequitur is to assume that the new service will be a revenue-generating business in its own right. 不合理的一部分是,它假设新的服务将成为能用自己的方式带来收益的新生意。
- The Godfather is a great addendum to the film and a fun and lengthy game in its own right. 教父(游戏)是对原作电影的一个很好的补充;同时,就游戏本身来说它也是绕有趣味并且有相当长度的。
- In particular, our universe may be a three-dimensional brane in its own right, living inside a nine-dimensional space. 更特别的是,我们的宇宙本身就是个位在九维空间内的三维膜。
- While diving is a physical skill in its own right, it is neither a constitutive nor a restorative skill. 当假摔本身也成为了一种技巧的时候,它既非“基础技能”也不是“兴奋技能”。
- It can also be something to celebrate in its own right, even in winning-obsessed America. 即使在痴迷于成功的美国,人们也有时候庆幸自己所拥有的权利。