- The development of super heavy tank started as early as 1941, when Krupp started the studies of superheavy Soviet tanks. 超重型坦克的发展早在1941年就已经开始了,当时克努伯公司开始研究苏联的超重型坦克。
- Heavy tanks ground through the square. 重型坦克嘎嘎地穿过广场。
- Sherman Calliope now has cap of 2, similar to the Pershing Heavy Tank. 谢尔曼汽笛风琴和潘兴一样一家最多只能有两个。
- Heavy tanks ground down the road. 重型坦克轧轧地沿着马路开过去。
- This paper analyzes the reasons of difficulty in demulsification and dehydration of super heavy oil during sewage recovery. 针对回收污水中超稠油破乳脱水困难等问题进行了原因分析。
- The dingdong fight lasted for six weeks with heavy tanks and infantry losses. 那场势均力敌的战役持续了6周之久,重型坦克和步兵都蒙受重创。
- Completion & cementing technique for super heavy oil reservoir of du84 fault block. 杜84块超稠油油藏完井固井工艺技术
- They had their heavy tanks come into action. 他们将重型坦克投入战斗。
- The results indicate that water-bearing super heavy oil shows features of pseudoplasticity fluid. 结果表明,含水超稠油的流变模式呈假塑性流体特徵。
- Vertical producing degree of super heavy oil reservoirs in Shul area is understood through monitoring. 通过监测手段,了解曙一区超稠油油层纵向动用程度。
- Anyway, I started to collect some plastic models of German AFV, like the notorious Tiger heavy tank and the famous Panther medium tank. 无论如何,我开始收集德国AFV一些塑料模型,像臭名远扬的老虎重的坦克和著名豹中型油箱。
- The Earth forces, on the other hand, use tracked or wheeled vehicles. This heavy tank runs low to the ground with a wide stance for stable firing. 地球武装力量,和电子人不同,使用装备履带或轮子的交通工具。这个重坦克为了可以稳定的向远距离目标开火,移动的非常慢。
- Horizontal well steam huff and puff experiment on super heavy oil block reservoir, Xing VI formation, Du 84 block, Shu 1 area. 曙一区杜84块兴组块状超稠油油藏水平井蒸汽吞吐试验
- The HLB value of super heavy oil emulsion from well 1702 in Shuguang, Liaohe oilfield is measured by fluorescence method. 采用荧光法测定了辽河油田曙光采油厂1702井特稠油乳化HLB值。
- You should've gotten more reinforcement points after destroying the guard post, so summon another heavy tank if possible. 你应该已经变得更加加固点后,摧毁哨所,所以传召另一重型坦克,如果可能的。
- One heavy tank can hold a point by itself, assuming you've weakened them with heavy artillery barrages and fire from your heavy artillery unit. 一辆重型坦克可容纳一点本身来说,假设你已经削弱他们重炮海法及消防从你的重炮部队。
- This paper introduces the working mechanism, chemical composition, property evaluation and field test of super heavy oil pre-dehydrant. 根据超稠油的特性,针对脱水处理周期长和产出污水含油高等问题,研制和试验应用了预脱水剂。
- The mass calculation by the Fermion Dynamical Symmetry Model (FDSM) predicts a super heavy island of elements located at around Z=l 14 and N=164. 摘要本文根据费米子动力对称模型(FDSM)所预言的原子核质量指出,人们长期以来期盼找到的超重元素岛应出现在Z=114和N=164附近。
- In terms of other MMORPGs, the Guardian fulfills the role of Heavy Tank, with lower overall damage output in exchange for improved survivability. 肉盾:卫士这一职业适合那些喜欢鏖战和进行残酷短兵相接战斗的玩家。
- A series of problems existed in Leng 41 block during the development of super heavy oil reservoir, such as serious bottom water coning and so on. 针对冷41块在超稠油藏开发中存在严重底水锥进等一系列问题,在综合研究油藏地质特征的基础上,采用水平井钻井技术,通过精心设计、组织和施工,取得显著的开发效果。