- Sunlight hour per day 日照时数
- Please inform the location for this system and how many available hours per day from sunlight? 太阳能供电系统在哪个地区使用?该地日光辐射情况如何?
- Eight hours per day for sleep must be guaranteed. 小时睡眠必须得到保证。
- How many hours per day do you play now? 你现在平均一天花多少时间玩游戏?
- Through the summer, and as fall began to deteriorate into winter, I would devote about an hour per day to my little job. 整个夏天过去了,随着秋天开始渐渐退去,冬天来了,每天我要把大约一小时时间用在这个差使上。
- Let's study playing clarinet, it's a good activity to make happy, health, vital capacity exercice, one hour per day's practice can make you perspire! 一起学单簧管吧,这是一项让你身心愉快,健康的活动,锻炼你的肺活量,每天一小时的练习会让你出汗,让你得到舒展!
- In order to stay on top of your job, you should read in your field at least one hour per day, underlining and taking good notes. 你知道得越多,挣的钱就会越多。在你的领域,你越渊博,你在工作中就越有勇气和信心发挥自己的技能。
- I am in cyber bar over 8 hours per day as a real surfer. 我平均每天都要在网吧里呆上8个小时以上,是个不折不扣的网虫。
- With this staff the computer would probably be working twelve hours per day. 按这个人员编制,计算机每天大概可工作12个小时。
- When eggs are being illuminated, it should not exceed 17 hours per day. 蛋鸡实施光照计画时,每日光照不得超过17小时。
- News is alway not stop ,is 24 hour per day and 7day per week,and happen in whole world on every hours and minutes. 新闻这一行从不停止,它是每天24小时,每周7天的,因为全世界每时每刻都有新闻发生。
- After adhering to the wall, the cells in the EMF 0.4,0.8 and 1.6 mT stimulation groups were exposed to EMF of 0.4,0.8 and 1.6 mT field strength, respectively, one hour per day, five days later, they were detected. 电磁场0.;4;0
- What is the expected number of days of processing per year? Number of hours per day? 每年的工作天数是多少?每天运行多少小时?
- The Internet is progressing without pause, demanding companies to run 24 hours per day. 互联网在大踏步地前进,要求公司每天24小时运作。
- Note: For weeks 19-24 clinical practice will be 8 hours per day over a 7 day per week roster. 注:19?24周的临床实习将被安排在每天8小时,并且每个星期7天。
- The Bear Kingdom hibernates in the winter and also focuses upon the dream 24 hours per day as a result. 熊王国也会在冬天休眠并每天24小时聚焦在梦想上。
- For those at 3000 strands, the kundahlini must run a minimum of 10 hours per day. 对于处于3000股状态的人,昆达里尼每天必须至少运行10小时。
- The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children devote no more than two hours per day to watching TV. 美国小儿科学会建议小孩每天不要看超过两小时的电视。
- To protect their eyesight from the flashing rays, the restorers can only work two hours per day. 为了避免刺眼光线修补者的眼睛造成伤害,他们一天只能工作2个小时。