- Sun Li at old age 老年孙犁
- He kicked in at the ripe old age of90. 他在九十高龄时去世。
- It is concluded that the mandibular angle decreases from the childhood to the adult, but there is no remarkable change at old age. 此角的变化很多,在动物进化的不同阶段,下颌角的变化与下颌骨的功能有密切的联系。
- In the life the communist society, humanity is happy with healthy life, free of vexation in mind or ailment in body, and one is sane at old age, and conscious and lucid at death. 在共产生活里,人性快乐,生命健康,心无烦恼,身无病痛,老而志清,终而智明,生得其乐,死也自在。
- Her widowhood condemns her to a lonely old age. 守寡使她不得不过着孤独的晚年生活。
- SUN Li in old age 孙犁
- We have saved some money against our old age. 我们存了一些钱,以备老年之用。
- He has dotage because of old age. 他因年老而糊里糊涂。
- I called on Comrade Li at his office. 我到李同志的办公室去看他。
- He kicked in at the ripe old age of 90. 他在九十高龄时去世。
- Sun Li was the second baseman of Women’s softball. 孙莉、刘瑛慧则是在本月中旬才搭上末班车。
- Old age pensioner is admitted at half price. 享受养老金的老年人可购半价票入场。
- They amused themselves by looking at old photographs. 他们以看旧照片消遣。
- Old age and infirmity have begin to catch up with him. 他开始显出年老体衰的样子了。
- Old age disabled him for hard labour. 年迈使他不能干繁重的工作。
- Old age hasn't dimmed her memory. 她虽然年事已高,但记忆并未模糊。
- Disorders of old age are generally not exogenous. 老年疾病通长都不是起于外因的。
- Coincidentally, in the middle, Zhou Xun and Sun Li also co-starred. 巧合的是,在中,周迅又与孙俪合作出演。
- His activities were restricted by old age. 他的活动因年事已高而受到限制。
- My children, my props in old age. 我的孩子们是我暮年的靠山