- Summer is gone;let's put away the electric fans. 夏天过去了,让我们把电风扇收起来吧。
- A great wind rises, and the summer is gone in a moment. 大风刮起来,夏天一下就过去了。
- It is high time to nurse your health and recuperate as the hot summer is gone and the autumn wind Blowing. Do rememBer to send your relatives and friends the proper tonics. 盛夏去,秋风起,正是人们调理进补好时机,千万别忘了给您的亲友送去一份合适的补品。
- Camping in summer is just what I have in mind. 夏日野营正是我心里想的。
- Summer is the hottest season of the year. 夏天是一年里最热的季节。
- The Limit of Heat: It means the scorching summer is going to pass by. 处暑:处暑表示炎热的夏天快要过去。
- Summer is gone. 夏季已过。
- Spring has gone and summer is here. 春天已逝去,夏天已经来临。
- The meeting is gone on in very friendly atmosphere. 会议在非常友好的气氛中进行。
- Summer is a rainy season in China. 在中国,夏天是一个多雨的季节。
- Of all the four seasons, summer is the hottest. 在所有四季当中,夏天最热。
- A plane is gone to order from France. 从法国去订购一架飞机。
- He is going down south this summer. 今年夏天他要去南方。
- The past epoch is gone, never to return. 过去的时代已经一去不复返了。
- My fever is gone, but I still have a cough. 我不发烧了,但还是有点咳嗽。
- The era of the backwoods rube is gone. 落后地区乡巴佬的时代已过去了。
- Summer is over. It is autumn now. 夏天过去了。秋天到了。
- Can I go along with you? I won't get in the way. 我能和你一块去吗?我不会碍你事的。
- He is going to go out and raise hob. 他今晚要出去纵情狂欢了。
- The author is going to adapt his play for television. 作者将把他的剧本改编成电视剧。