- We report an unusual garnet pyroxenite, as a nodule enclosed within kyanite eclogites from Rongcheng, northeastern Sulu UHP metamorphic belt. 在苏鲁超高压变质带荣成蓝晶石榴辉岩中,发现一具有特殊结构和地球化学特征的石榴辉石岩。
- The age of Xiahecheng intrusive body in the Northern Sulu UHP Metamorphic Belt and its Geological Implication 苏鲁超高压带北段夏河城岩体的形成时代及其意义
- Rongcheng Ultra-Calcic Garnet Pyroxenite: Its Geochemistry, Origin and Implications for Pre-UHP Tectonics in the Sulu UHP Metamorphic Belt 山东荣成高钙石榴辉石岩的地球化学特征及其成因
- Sulu UHP metamorphic belt 苏鲁超高压变质带
- The formation of the deposit in the area is closely related to extension and detachment following the exhumation of the Dabie UHP metamorphic belt. 本区矿床的形成与大别山超高压变质带折返后的伸展拆离作用密切相关。
- The Qingling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt resulted from collision between of North China Craton and Yantze Craton is the largest UHP metamorphic belt in the world. 中国中东部的秦岭-大别造山带是中国中央造山带的重要组成部分,是华北-扬子两大板块俯冲-碰撞的产物,是世界上规模最大的超高压变质带。
- The spatial relationship between the East Qinling and Dabie-Sulu UHP metamorphic belts has been a controversy. 其铅同位素组成与秦岭岩群及二郎岩坪群一致,而与大别超高压变质带有明显的区别。
- Precise Restriction of Non-UHP Granitic Gneiss from the UHP Metamorphic Belt in the Sulu Terrane, Eastern China: Evidence from Mineral Inclusions,Cathodoluminescence Images and SHRIMP U-Pb Dating in Zircon Domains 苏鲁超高压变质带中非超高压花岗质片麻岩的准确识别:来自锆石微区矿物包体及SHRIMP U-Pb定年的证据
- Island Arc Volcanic Rocks in the North Qaidam UHP Metamorphic Belt 柴达木北缘超高压变质带中的岛弧火山岩
- Massive Eclogites and Their Tectonic Significance in Dabie-Sulu UHP Metamorphic Belt, East-Central China 大别-苏鲁超高压变质带内的块状榴辉岩及其构造意义
- Dabie-Sulu UHP metamorphic belt 大别-苏鲁超高压带
- The data of geophysics, petrology and geology are integrated to study the deep magnetic structure of the ultra-high-pressure metamorphic belt in Sulu. 本论文选题是将地球物理学、岩石学和地质学等学科的基本理论与思维相结合,依据研究区磁卫星磁场与航空磁异常的数据,研究苏鲁地区超高压变质带深部磁性结构,并应用岩石圈磁性结构与深部地球动力之间相互关系的基本准则,探讨郯庐断裂带以东华北克拉通与扬子克拉通碰撞的动力学模式。
- Title: Changes in tectonic boundaries and stress fields during exhumation and uplift of the Sulu HP-UHP metamorphic belt. 关 键 词: 数值模拟;逆冲扩展;构造界面;应力场;超高压变质带;
- UHP metamorphic belt 超高压变质岩片
- The North Dabie Complex can extend to the Luzhenguan Formation in the North Huaiyang belt to nor th and underlay the UHP metamorphic rocks to south. 其中的花岗质片麻岩、斜长角闪岩具有岛弧环境的岩石地球化学特征,代表拼贴于扬子陆块北缘的新元古代古岛弧。
- CCSD PP6 drilling hole penetrated in the Macaokuang peridotite body, Rongcheng of Shandong province, which rests in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt(UHPM). 中国大陆科学钻探工程卫星孔PP6钻孔位于苏鲁超高压变质带的山东荣成滕家集马草夼橄榄岩体中。
- On the Relationship between the Two UHP Metamorphic Belts in the Central Orogenic Belt, China 中国中央造山带内两个超高压变质带关系
- There are low-grade metamorphic rocks which underwent greenschist facies metamorphism in the middle and north margin of the Dabie ultrahigh pressure(UHP) metamorphic belt. 摘要大别造山带超高压变质带内部及其北缘,出露仅经过绿片岩相变质作用的浅变质岩系。
- Ultrahigh-pressure ( UHP ) metamorphic belt 超高压变质带