- Sugimoto Atsushi 杉本笃
- Maybe it is not good time to talk with Atsushi again. 天亮了以后重新写今天的故事。别人的刻薄不能抵消我善良的心。
- Mei meets a reticent and gentle natured boy named Atsushi in school. 中学生芽衣(南泽奈央饰)遇见了安静、温柔的同学敦史(沟端淳平饰)。
- "Mei meets a reticent and gentle natured boy named Atsushi in school. "中学生芽衣(南泽奈央饰)遇见了安静、温柔的同学敦史(沟端淳平饰)。
- Famous actress Aya Sugimoto shows you how she can make her character alive and the true nature of herself. 在休息的一刹那间,可以窥看到她镜头下的真我。
- Sugimoto Munenori is a member of one of the original families who commemorate the ceremony. 来掉念这个祭典的杉本津雄,是一开始就参与祭典的成员之一。
- S.Engines have released the engine that Atsushi Hara clinched the 1/8 Scale Buggy World Championships with. S.;发动机发布了引擎,笃原发的1 / 8规模车费与世界田径锦标赛。
- They are Yoshida Tatsuya, Tsuyama Atsushi, Kawabata Makoto, Chinese music fans are familiar with them. 所有的声音都在我们周围的各个角落存在着,而我就仅仅是发现声音,并在人们面前表演出来。
- His strike-partner still has to be decided: Fabio Bazzani, or Atsushi Yanagisawa. 他的搭档将是法比奥巴扎尼或者柳泽敦。
- "In the long run, we hope our space research will be not just about producing food, but about enjoying food and relaxing," Sugimoto said. 杉本学说:“从长远来说,我们希望我们的太空研究不仅仅是关心如何生产粮食,而且还要关注享用食物和休闲放松。”
- There is a huge spectrum ofsmall firms, notes Atsushi Seike, an economist at Keio University. 庆应义塾大学的经济学家清家笃注意到:小公司存在一个极大的光谱。
- Shiozaki T,Sugimoto H.Effect of mild hypothermia on uncontrollable intracranial hypertension after severe head injury.J Neurosurg,1993 Sep,79(3):363-8. 罗毅男;付双林;闫晓明;等.;亚低温在重度颅脑损伤中的治疗作用
- Confucius said: erudite and Atsushi, cut thought the last question, in which the extra-jen. 孔子说:博学而笃志,切问而近思,仁在其中矣。
- Manabu Sugimoto, associate professor at Okayama University, hopes that the latest experiment will help human space exploration in the future. 日本冈本大学的教授杉本学先生,希望藉由这样的实验能帮助人类未来对太空的探索。
- One component type modified silicone sealant with excellent weather resistance Atsushi Saito, Assistant senior research chemist. Cemedine Co. Ltd. 具有优良耐候性的改性单组份有机硅密封胶斋藤敦
- Asaoka M, Okuno K, Sugimoto Y, Yano M, Omura T and Fuwa H. 1986. Characterization of endosperm starch from high-amylose mutants of rice (Oryzae sativa L.). Starch38:114-117. 陈永轩。2002。化学诱变稻米品系之淀粉组成与物性差异。国立台湾大学食品科技研究所硕士论文。
- It has gone on to win many world races including the 2004 ROAR Paved On-Road Electric Nationals driven by HPI team driver Atsushi Hara. 它经历了上赢得许多世界比赛,包括2004年的轰鸣声铺平了对路面电动国民驱使小母牛车队笃原。
- "In the future, we may reach a point where humans will spend an extended period of time in space and must grow food to sustain ourselves," Sugimoto said. 杉本学说:“将来我们可能实现人类长期呆在太空,所以必须要种植粮食来维持自己。”
- Included with this kit are many of the HPI option parts that World Championship winning Atsushi Hara used to win so many titles! 包括与此试剂盒是很多的小母牛选择部分世界锦标赛赢得笃原用来赢得如此众多的商品!
- But destiny can have a dark side to it, too, and a shocking revelation from both of their pasts compels Atsushi to pull away from Mei. 另一方面,芽衣的母亲却强逼敦史放弃这段刚萌芽的恋情!为了保护所爱,他唯有忍住伤痛,从芽衣面前消失。