- Using the optimum sugar content and technological conditions of fermentation,as well as maturation technics on alcoholic fermentation and acetic acid fermentation of apple juice,the high content of total acids and better flavor,products could obtained. 苹果汁酒精发酵和醋酸发酵采用适宜的糖度、发酵条件与陈酿工艺,产品的总酸含量较高,风味较好。
- Sugar content of apple 苹果糖度
- With a total sugar content of around 38%, the custard apple is not a low calorie fruit.People who need to keep tabs on their blood sugar levels should especially avoid eating too much. 释迦所含的总糖度佔了果实的38%25左右,是热量不低的水果,尤其以需要控制血糖的人,要特别控制食用的量。
- The sugar content of SPG-1 was 98.4% and the content of protein was 1.6%. SPG-1的糖含量为98.;4%25;蛋白含量为1
- The sugar content of nectarine was detected by using spectral imaging. 应用光谱图像技术进行油桃内部品质无损检测技术的研究。
- In different habitats, sugar content of Robertson navel orange showed much difference each other. 不同生境条件对果实含糖量有很大的影响,对糖代谢相关酶来说,SPS和SS(分解方向)的活性受不同生境条件的影响较小,但SS合成方向的活性在不同生境条件下的差异明显,有的生境之间的差异已达到极显著的水平。
- A variety of apple having fruit with dark red skin. 晚熟苹果一种皮的颜色为暗红色的苹果
- Soluble sugar content of pod peaked at 8 DAA then decreased till 14 DAA, and increased after 14 DAA. 荚可溶性糖含量花后8d最高,14d以前降低,14d以后升高;
- Total sugar content of AFG-1 and NFG-1 was58.92% and 84.93% determined by phenol-sulphate acid method, respectively. Mw/Mn为1.;18;说明亚麻籽胶的分子大小较均一;
- Effects of grafting on development and sugar content of muskmelon fruit in solar-greenhouse were studied. 摘要研究了嫁接对日光温室网纹甜瓜果实发育、糖含量的影响。
- This salad is made of apple, pear, potato and celery. 这份色拉是由苹果、梨、土豆和芹菜做成的。
- When there was a medium drought stress, leaf soluble sugar content of Agropyron desertorum increased more. 干旱胁迫程度增加,4种禾草的根冠比、叶片可溶性糖含量和渗透液相对电导率升高,叶片含水量下降。
- Study on morphology and the change of soluble sugar content of flower bud during different development stages in Momordical chaantia L. 苦瓜花芽不同分化期的形态学及糖含量变化研究。
- However, the result of sugar content showed that high temperature increased the content of soluble sugar, and GABA and BR decreased it. 但对可溶性糖含量的研究结果表明,高温引起小麦旗叶中的可溶性糖含量上升,而BR和GABA处理使之下降;
- N:P:K rates of sugarcane stalk and N/P or N/K rates of sugarcane leaf is one of the factors which affected sugar content of sugarcane. 为了了解造成这种局面的原因,对迁江糖厂蔗区进行了调查研究,探讨蔗糖分与营养因素之间的关系。现将研究结果总结如下。
- The glut of apples sent the prices down. 苹果大量上市,使价钱低了下来。
- The results showed that the yield and soluble sugar content of pakchoi were increased drastically through applying right amount organic fertilizer. 结果表明,施用适量的有机肥显著提高了蔬菜产量与可溶性糖含量,。
- Mary came up to me,carrying a basket of apple. 玛丽提着一篮苹果向我走来。
- I want a hot dog and a piece of apple pie. 我想要一个热狗和一个苹果派。
- Under the same cultivated condition, sugar content of the transplanted sugar beet increased by 0.3%, root yield by 21.8% (52.2t/ha) and the sugar yield by 24.1%. 在同等栽培条件下;移栽甜菜提高含糖率0.;3%25;单产达3