- I cried for those who suddenly died in accidental bound. 我要为死者而哭泣。
- "If you suddenly die or go into a coma, there can be a lot of things that are only in your head in terms of where things are stored, where your passwords are. 他说,“如果你突然陷入昏迷或者死掉,那么有很多事情是只有你才知道的,比如你的某件东西存放在哪里,比如你的密码是什么。”
- A year ago or so, many gorillas suddenly died of a caustic form of bacteria. 约一年前,很多大猩猩因一种极有害的病菌而突然死亡。
- When Minghella suddenly died this March at age 54, Han Feng was devastated. 54岁的明格拉于今年3月突然辞世,这令韩枫悲痛欲绝。
- The prince Mamilius, hearing his mother was to be tried for her life, struck with grief and shame, and suddenly died. 迈密勒斯王子听到要把母亲问成死罪,悲伤羞愧得突然死去了。
- At seventeen he was in France in the train of the English ambassador,when his father suddenly died. 译文:他十七岁在法国时,在英国大使的火车上,突然听到了父亲死亡的消息。
- Taiwan, a woman suddenly died unexpectedly with signs of bleeding from her ears, nose, mouth &eyes. 台湾,一名女人突然无缘无故的七孔流血暴毙,大家可要多多注意啰!
- Why Did Dinosaurs Suddenly Die Out 为何恐龙突然灭绝
- But when her mother suddenly dies, Sara must abandon her plans and join her estranged father (Terry Kinney) on Chicago's gritty South Side. 可惜,她的母亲遽然离世,因此被逼放弃计划,要前往芝加哥跟随自幼离弃她的父亲(泰利坚尼饰)。
- When her father suddenly dies of a heart attack and the government plans to demolish Prosperity Market, Miu decides to leave the market for good. 不久,妙父因心脏病离世,为免与鱼佬在富贵墟朝夕相对,阿妙乘著政府宣布清拆富贵墟之际,决定离开街市。
- If someone suddenly dies near him, his dedicated head is defiled. He then shall be purified on the seventh day and shave his head on that day. 若有人忽然在他身旁猝死,那献身者的愿就沾染了不洁,在他取洁的那一天,应剃头,即在第七天他应剃头。
- Methods Autopsy data of 32 patients suddenly died of acute pancreatitis were collected and analyzed histopathologically. 方法收集32例急性胰腺炎猝死病例的尸检资料并进行组织病理学检查。
- It was precisely when the count's fortunes were so irretrievably embroiled that he could not conceive how, in another year, it would end, that he suddenly died. 伯爵此时死去,是在他的经济情况步入山穷水尽之地,已无法想象是否能再熬上一年的时候。正是在这种的情况下,他突然死了。
- He twisted up with a sudden stab of pain. 一阵突然的剧疼使他挺不起身来。
- Every winter some old people die from hypothermia. 每年冬天都有些老人死于体温过低。
- Gorilla Gana, 11, was left shattered in her compound at the zoo in Muenster in northern Germany at the weekend when her three-month-old baby Claudio suddenly died. 当她3个月大的宝宝于周末猝死时,11岁大猩猩佳娜在她北德明斯特动物园的居所内极度震惊。
- Little does he care whether we live or die. 他一点也不管我们是死是活。
- Nowadays many people die of cancer. 现在有很多人死于癌症。
- The river opens out suddenly into a broad estuary. 江面忽然开阔起来,形成一个宽广的河。
- The black sedan suddenly drew out into the traffic. 黑色轿车突然开动,驶进了车流。