- Such were his last words. 他最后的话就是这样。
- "Don't mourn for me. Organize!" These were his last words. "不要为我悲痛,组织起来!"这就是他最后的遗言。
- Top "Don't mourn for me. Organize!" These were his last words. "不要为我悲痛,组织起来!"这就是他最后的遗言。
- Don't mourn for me. Organize! These were his last words. 不要为我悲痛,组织起来!
- Harry: But he blamed me. You heard him. Those were his last words. 哈里:但是他责怪我。你听到了。那是他最后的话。
- "Don't mourn for me.Organize"These were his last words. “不要为我悲痛,组织起来!”这就是他最后的遗言。
- They are his last words to this disciple, chosen to shepherd his flock. 这是主对这个门徒最后的嘱咐,拣选他来牧养自己的羊群。
- His last words are still ringing in my ears. 他的临终遗言还在我耳边回响。
- He knew this was his last hope of winning. 他知道这是他获胜的唯一希望了。
- His last words still linger in our ears. 他的临终嘱咐仍萦绕在我们耳际。
- His last words is still ringing in my ears. 他最后的遗言依然在我的耳边不绝如缕。
- " Don't mourn for me.Organize" These were his last words. “不要为我悲痛,组织起来
- Such was his strength that he could bend iron bars. (力气大得能把铁棍弯过来。)
- He uttered his last words and closed his eyes . 他说出了临终遗言后闭了上眼睛。
- He is speculate that this may be his last chance. 他推测这可能是他的最後一次机会了。
- His last words are ringing in my ears . 他的最后遗言仍在我耳边回响。
- He wrote to her every day; such was his love for her. 他每天给她写信,他对她的爱情如此深厚。
- Sir. Basil was composing his last words. 巴兹尔爵士字斟句酌地说出最后一句话。
- He was speculating that this might be his last chance. 他推测这可能是他的最后一次机会了。
- He wrote to her every day,such was his love for her. 他每天给她写信,他对她的爱情如此深厚。