- Subungual hyperkeratosis 甲床角化过度
- The overlying epidermis revealed hyperkeratosis and acanthosis. 表皮则呈现过度角化及棘皮肥厚。
- A case of hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans is reported. 报告1例持久性豆状角化过度症。
- These hemorrhages are subungual, linear, dark red streaks. 此出血位于手指下,呈线性、暗红色条纹。
- Purpose To investigate the clinicopathologic features of subungual exostosis. 摘要目的探讨甲下外生性骨疣的临床病理特征。
- A case of nevoid hyperkeratosis of the nipple and areola is reported. 报告1例双侧巨大型乳头乳晕角化过度症。
- Conclusions Skin changes of arsenism begin from hyperkeratosis,next affected by depigmentation and hyperpigmentation. 结论地方性砷中毒皮肤改变从角化开始,先后出现脱色和色沉;
- A case of subungual amelanotic malignant melanoma with distant lymph node metastasis is reported. 报告1例甲下无色素性黑素瘤远端淋巴结转移。
- The skin biopsy specimen showed the histologic features of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. 病理组织检验可见到表皮裂解角质增厚的表现。
- The histopathology revealed dilated sweat duct ostia with focal mild hyperkeratosis. 病人偶尔会抱怨有灼热、疼痛、搔痒或是紧绷感,常伴随多汗症。
- Subungual hematoma is a common injury after a blow or crush injury to the nail, which causes severe excruciating pain. 摘要指甲下血肿在指头受到撞击或是压碎性伤害后时常可见,并且会给病患带来严重难以忍受的疼痛感。
- Then hyperkeratosis or depigmentation gets serious,and last hyperpigmentation gets serious. 然后是角化加重或脱色加重,最后是色沉加重;
- Hyperkeratosis of the nipple and areola is a rare entity with unique clinical manifestations. 摘要乳头及乳晕过角化症为一罕见且拥有独特临床表现之疾病。
- Conclusion Two cases of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis ichthyosis may result from spontaneous mutation. 结论2例表皮松解性角化过度鱼鳞病可能由自发突变引起。
- Skin histopathological structure was epidermal hyperkeratosis and hyperpigmentation in basa... 皮损组织病理检查示表皮角化过度,基底层黑素增多。
- Results Histologic changes,mainly epithelial hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis,were produced in nearly 100% of specimens. 结果颊粘膜几乎100%25产生改变,主要为上皮增生及过角化,并有上皮异常增生产生。
- Chap on thick skin of hands or feet, is a kind of tinea of hand or feet caused by hyperkeratosis. “靓手”是青岛海盈生物有限公司研制的一种高科技产品。
- Arsenic, which is a highly poisonous metalloid, causes acute and chronic adverse health effects, including skin lesions, hyperkeratosis, blackfoot disease and cancer. 砷是一种剧毒的类金属,能引起机体急性和慢性损伤包括皮肤损害、角化过度、黑脚病、癌症。
- The histopathologic examination revealed dilatation of intracorneal eccrine ducts with mild focal hyperkeratosis and acanthosis. 病理检查为表皮层有扩张的汗管伴随局部过度角化和棘层肥厚。
- Methods: 12 cases of subungual glomus tumors were analysed retrospectively.The tumors were totally excised microsurgically. 方法:采用显微镜下血管球瘤切除术治疗手指甲下血管球瘤12例。