- Subprime Debits 次级债
- My bank account shows two debits of 5 each. 我的银行帐户借方记入了两笔5英镑的款项。
- Is this item a debit or a credit? 这笔帐属于借方还是属于贷方?
- Especially companies involved with subprime loans. 特别是对那些参与次级贷款的公司。
- Does this item go among the credits or the debits? 这笔账应记入贷方还是借方?
- Debit card thieves get around PIN obstacle. 盗窃借记卡的小偷很难得获得用户的个人识别密码。
- To whom shall I debit the amount? 这笔帐要记入谁的借方帐中?
- Debit & 70 against Mr Smith/Mr Smith's account. 将70英镑记入史密斯先生账户的借方。
- Did you debit Mr. Smith with $ 1000? 你在史密斯先生帐户的借方记上1000美元了吗?
- Charge or debit? / Credit or debit? 用信用卡或是电子钱包。
- The account of withdrawals has debit balances. 费用账户有借方余额。
- We pay all our bills by direct debit. 我们以直接借记方式支付所有账单。
- Why only accept debit cards for payment? 为甚么只接受账卡付款?
- Have you left a debit balance at another firm? 您在其它公司是否有欠款?
- Subprime lenders often depend on credit to make the loans. 一旦贷款通常就是卖给了投资银行。
- Not only have subprime losses hurt financial stocks. 而不仅仅是次级贷款的损失影响股票而已。
- Debit 10 pounds against Mr. Smith's account. 把10镑记入史密斯先生的账目(借方)中。
- We would pay by Authorized Direct Debit. 本公司选择以直接付款授权扣账缴交供款.
- THE word “subprime” may now send shudders down bankers' spines. 当下,“次级”这个词也许让银行家们感到不寒而栗。
- Asset and expense increases are recorded as debit. 资产或费用增加记为借项。