- Subjective moral concept 主体性德育观
- The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. 影片对传统道德观念的宣扬和体现。
- All these show Hezhe minority's characteristics of primitivism, blend and gradual change in their ethical and moral concept. 这些都体现出赫哲族伦理道德观念的原始性、交融性以及在保持本民族伦理道德观念稳定中的渐变性的特点。
- Auguste Comte explained his methodology,the moral concept of ethics and religious view under his positivism and system of the social organism theory. 孔德是在其实证主义和社会有机体理论的体系下阐述他的方法论、伦理道德观和宗教观的。
- Editors' professional ethics is based on the development of modern moral concept and the expansion of the professional field in modern society. 摘要现代道德观的发展和现代社会职业领域的扩展,是编辑职业道德发生的依据。
- The religious belief reinvents the individual"s ethics moral concept and social behavior, have produced certain positive effect objectively. 宗教信仰在一定程度上重塑了教徒的价值体系,导致其社会行为的信仰归因,但客观上也产生了一定的积极的效应。
- Social moral education and subjective moral education reveal the nature of moral education from the angles of socialness and subjectiveness, which are of positive significance. 社会性道德教育论与主体性道德教育论分别从社会性和主体性角度揭示道德教育的本质,具有一定的积极意义。
- Liberation, reality of extolling out the individual character in the comedy are enjoyed, maintain that freedom is equal, reflect the moral concept of Britain's humanism. 喜剧中歌颂出个性的解放、实享受,主张自由平等,反映出英国人文主义的道德观。
- Due to the influence of China traditional moral concept,people used to regard bareness of human body as a symbol of improbity for thousands of years,they don’t like bareness. 由于受传统道德观念影响,几千年来人们一直把人体的裸露当成邪恶的象征,不喜欢过多暴露。
- The development of moral concept of leisure offers necessary conditions for humans ’survial and it is the foundation for structuring the harmonious society too. 发展闲暇道德观已成为人类生存和发展的必须条件,也是构建和谐社会的基础。
- Arrive from planned economy the shunt of socialist market economy, mitzvah of the moral concept that initiates a society necessarily, ethic, path is the major change of means. 从计划经济到社会主义市场经济的转轨,必然引发社会的道德理念、道德规范、道德行为方式的重大改变。
- It reflects the changes on the moral conception of thousand years in China. 这反映了中国数千年道德伦理观念的变化.
- This is wholly justifiable and entirely consistent with the moral concepts of Chinese society. 这是完全正当的,完全符合中国社会的道德观念。
- It demonstrated the decline of downhouse noble among the tragedy of Katy.It revealed women's suffering of poison and wreck being from southern culture especially Puritanism's woman moral concept. 在凯蒂这个人物的悲剧中,表现出了南方贵族的没落,表现出了南方文化特别是清教妇道观对妇女的摧残。
- Thoughts on Subjective Moral Class Modal in Universities 高校主体性德育课堂模式的思考
- However,Gretchen was just a young populace_girl who had sticked to the t raditional,feudalist and old moral concepts. 然而,格蕾欣却是固守封建传统道德规范的平民少女。
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。
- The economic change actuates the concept of people, and cause new moral concept and standard, but at the same time, some noaharchaic conception and behavior comes back again. 转型经济促使人们观念更新,催生了一些新的道德观念、道德标准,同时也使一些腐朽、落后的观念和行为死灰复燃。
- We should hold to science, progress and developmental principle, establish the new-style sexual morality concept that accords with social progress. 我们要坚持科学、进步和进化的原则,建立新型的符合社会进步的性道德观念。