- Jinxing Hotel of Shenyang Military Area Command P.L.A. 沈阳金星宾馆。
- The Tibet Military Area Command carefully prepared for the occasion. 西藏军区方面为此作了认真周到的接待准备工作。
- METHODS: The experiment was conducted at the Psychosis Prevention Center of Lanzhou Military Area Command. 方法:实验在兰州军区精神病防治中心完成。
- On March 8,the Dalai Lama said he would go to the performance in the Tibet Military Area Command Auditorium at 3 pm on March 10. 3月8日,达赖确定3月10日下午3时到西藏军区礼堂看演出。
- On March 8, the Dalai Lama said he would go to the performance in the Tibet Military Area Command Auditorium at 3 pm on March 10. 3月8日,达赖确定3月10日下午3时到西藏军区礼堂看演出。
- Every household should send people to Norbu Lingka,the residence of the Dalai Lama,to petition him not to attend the performance in the Military Area Command. 每家都要派人到达赖喇嘛驻地罗布林卡请愿,请求他不要去军区看戏。
- The General Staff Headquarters is in charge of nationwide militia work. Each military area command is responsible for the militia work under its jurisdiction. Each provincial command exercises leadership and command over the militia in its region. 总参谋部主管全国的民兵工作,各军区负责本区域的民兵工作,省军区是本地区的民兵领导指挥机关。
- In the letter of March 16,he said that he had "educated" and "severely criticized" officials of the Tibetan local government. He also expressed the desire to still go to the Military Area Command a few days later. 在16日的信中,他还表示,已对地方政府官员等进行了“教育”和“严厉地指责”,并表示几天后还可能到军区去。
- Yesterday morning, the founding ceremony of the Chinese peacekeeping engineering group of the third batch to Waw of Sudan was solemnly held at an armored division of the Jinan Military Area Command. 本报郑州8月16日电记者黄超、特约记者张乡林报道:今天上午,中国第三批赴苏丹瓦乌维和工程兵大队成立大会在济南军区某装甲师隆重举行。
- Reapportionment and merger reduced the number of military area commands from eleven to seven. 大军区由11个撤并为7个。
- In order to ensure life safety of frontier officers and men, the Chengdu Military Area Command decided to airlift medicines from inland areas to the frontier troops in Tibet. 为了边防部队官兵的生命安全,成都军区对西藏边防部队的用药一直采取内地空运的办法进行保障。
- The annual regular exercises organized by the military area commands and services and arms all concentrate on joint operations. 各军区、军兵种组织的年度例行性演习均把联合作战作为重要课题。
- The CMC, through these four general headquar-ters/departments, directs and commands all the military area commands and the services and arms. 中央军事委员会通过四总部对各军区、各军兵种实施领导指挥。
- The new director of the armament department is said to be General Chang Wanchuan, who has been Commander of Shenyang Military Area Command since December 2004. 据说2004年任沈阳军区司令员的常万川任总装备部长。
- The CMC,through these four general headquar-ters/departments,directs and commands all the military area commands and the services and arms. 中央军事委员会通过四总部对各军区、各军兵种实施领导指挥。
- The PLA,comprised of the Army,the Navy,the Air Force and the Second Artillery Force,is organized in seven military area commands nationwide. 中国人民解放军由陆军、海军、空军和第二炮兵组成,在全国范围内设立7个军区。
- At present,the PLA has seven military area commands,namely,Shenyang,Beijing,Lanzhou,Jinan,Nanjing,Guangzhou and Chengdu. 中国人民解放军现设有沈阳、北京、兰州、济南、南京、广州、成都7个军区。
- Authorized by the State Council and the CMC,the military area commands exercise leadership over civil air defense in their respective regions. 军区根据国务院、中央军委的授权领导本区域的人民防空工作。
- Its basic organizational structures can be categorized into the general headquarters/departments,the services and arms and the military area commands. 它的组织体制,按基本组织结构分为总部体制、军兵种体制、军区体制。
- The various general departments,services and arms and military area commands have drawn up 1,000-some items of military rules and regulations. 各总部、各军兵种、各军区制定了1000多件军事规章。