- Su line angora rabbit 苏系长毛兔
- Wan line Angora rabbit 皖系长毛兔
- Study on the Relationship between Polymorphism of Microsatellite Markers and Wool Yield in Wan Line Angora Rabbits 皖系长毛兔微卫星标记多态性及其与产毛量相关的研究
- Study on the relationship between microsatellite markers and wool yield in Wan line Angora rabbits 微卫星标记与皖系长毛兔产毛量相关性的研究
- People of their village earned a big fortune from Angora rabbit farming. 他们村的人都是靠饲养安哥拉兔致富的。
- According to those people in this field, the Angora rabbit is very famous. 据业者表示,土耳其的安哥拉兔相当有名。
- The fine,long hair of the Angora rabbit,sometimes blended with wool in fabrics. 安哥拉兔毛安哥拉长兔毛,有时和羊毛混在一起用于纺织
- Study on scale of Angora rabbit production and management on a family-farm. 农户长毛兔生产的函数模型及应用
- Wan strain coarse wool Angora rabbit was the first coarse wool Angora rabbit in China. 皖系粗毛兔是国内第一个粗毛型长毛兔新品系。
- The results show that the rare earth compounds can promote the Angora rabbit to grow and increase its hair output. 结果表明,稀土化合物具有促进兔生长以及毛产量的作用。
- So the coarse wool rateof 8 month was the major basis in selecting coarse wool Angora rabbit. 因此,选育粗毛型长毛兔应以8月龄粗毛率为主要选种依据。
- Alpaca, Mohair and Angora rabbit hair were mostly used in rough products because of their poor spinning property. 羊驼毛、马海毛、安哥拉兔毛可纺性能较差,多用于开发粗纺产品。
- The fine, long hair of the Angora rabbit, sometimes blended with wool in fabrics. 安哥拉兔毛安哥拉长兔毛,有时和羊毛混在一起用于纺织
- Angora rabbit fur is diversely colored, fine, does not fall out, and is an excellent material for fur clothing. 安哥拉兔的毛色多样,密致、不掉毛,是上好的皮草原料。
- In the local strain of Angora rabbit,German Angora rabbit and Tanhang rabbit with5generation-breeding. 珍珠长毛兔是由本地饲养的长毛兔、德系长毛兔和唐行兔经复杂杂交 ,经过 5个世代选育而成。
- The effection of the rare earth compounds as feed additives to the growth and the hair output of Angora rabbit is studied. 本文观察了稀土化合物(稀土STV-2和稀土“常乐”)作为饲料添加剂对安哥拉兔生长及毛产量的影响。
- According to the priciple of path analysis,the coarse wool rate of 11 month were anal-ysed in third,fourth and fifth generation of Wan Strain Coarse Wool Angora Rabbit. 利用通径分析的原理和方法,对皖系粗毛型长毛兔选育群三、四、五世代11月龄粗毛率进行通径分析。
- Property speciality of Thermolite fiber and angora rabbit hair was introduced,and the influence on spinning technology and yarn quality was also analyzed. 介绍了Thermolite纤维和安哥拉兔毛的性能特点,分析了纤维性能特点对纺纱工艺及成纱质量的影响。
- An Angora rabbit. 安哥拉兔
- The effect of various blood line on main production performance of Bristle wool rabbits has been analysed. The blood line of Bristle wool Rabbits comes from New Zcaland Rabbits(N),SAB Rabbits(S),Franch Angora Rabbits(F) and German Angors Rabbits(G). 对粗毛型长毛兔选育群主要生产性能与导入的新西兰(N)、SAB(S)、法系安哥拉兔(F)、德系安哥拉兔血统(G)含量的多少进行了分析。