- Strombus latissimus Linnaeusn. 润唇凤凰螺(凤凰螺超科;凤凰螺科)
- Oil of spearmint ({Mentha} {Spicata} {Linnaeus}). 标准/规范英文名: Essentail oils.
- Linnaeus declared that each species had existed since creation. 林奈宣称,自从神造万物以后,这些物种就一直存在。
- Mirabilis jalapa Linnaeus is a perennial herb of Nyctaginaceae. 摘要紫茉莉是紫茉莉科的一种多年生草本植物。
- Oil of cedarwood, virginia. ({Juniperus} {virginiana} {Linnaeus}). 标准/规范英文名: Essential oils.
- It was the best method best for Meretrix Linnaeus but not to the the Paphia... 而波纹巴非蛤并非如此,它最佳冷冻条件应该处于干冰冷冻和液氮冷冻条件之间。
- We present a case with full-thickness abdominal wall defect successfully reconstructed with a free innervated latissimus dorsi(LD)muscle flap. 我们提出一个因全层腹壁缺损成功的以具神经支配之阔背肌自由皮瓣作重建的病例。
- Abstract: Objective To provide anatomy basis for a free latissimus dorsal muscular flap with the sensate nerve. 摘 要: 目的 为形成带感觉神经的背阔肌游离皮瓣提供解剖学基础。
- Two latissimus dorsi flaps and two rectus abdominis flaps were used for soft tissue coverage. 2个扩背肌皮瓣及2个腹直肌皮瓣被用来做软组织的覆盖。
- Therefore, you would not exercise the latissimus dorsi muscles as effectively, because of the weak link. 所以;你不会背阔肌肌有效行使;因为这个薄弱环节.
- Objective To research the effect of free latissimus dorsi flap on repairing scar contracture of face neck after burn. 目的:研究背阔肌游离皮瓣在修复面颈部挛缩畸形中所起的重要作用。
- The pectoralis major, latissimus, dorsi, external oblique, rectus abdominis, and trapezius muscles have been utilized. 对重建手术而言,局部皮瓣包括腹直肌、胸大肌、阔背肌等肌肉是经常使用的组织。
- The latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap is a good option for post-mastectomy breast reconstruction. 阔背肌皮瓣是乳癌术后重建乳房的良好选择。
- Showing how plants were related was a complex and strange thing before Linnaeus developed his system. 在林尼厄斯确立这个系统之前,要说明植物之间的关系是一个复杂而陌生的事情。
- Study on the Isozymes of Ladino Trifolium repens Linnaeus and Other Six T. Repens L. 勒代诺白三叶与六个白三叶品种的同工酶比较研究。
- Binomial nomenclature A system of classification introduced by Linnaeus, the Swedish botanist, in which each species is given two names. 双名法:由瑞典植物分类学大师林萘创立的分类系统。
- Any of various tropical marine gastropod mollusks, especially of the genera Strombus and Cassis, having large, often brightly colored spiral shells and edible flesh. 海螺任一种热带海洋的腹足纲软体动物,尤指凤螺属和冠螺属动物,长有大的并且通常是亮色的螺旋形贝壳,肉可食用
- Linnaeus sought to reveal what he saw as the divine order of the natural world so that it might be exploited for human benefit. 林纳斯一生致力于揭示自然世界的神圣秩序,并希望其能为人类服务。
- The changes in insulin receptors were studied in chick anterior latissimus doris (ALD) and posterior latissimus doris (PLD) 4 weeks after denervation. 采用健康成年鸡的自身对照实验,研究鸡的前背阔肌(ALD)和后背阔肌(PLD)失神经后胰岛素受体的改变。
- BACKGROUND: Combined latissimus dorsi and teres major musculotendinous transfer has been described for the treatment of massive rotator cuff deficits. 背景:背阔肌和大圆肌联合肌腱移位用于治疗大面积肩袖缺损。