- String Bean with Ginger Sauce 姜汁豆角
- String Bean with Ginger Suace. Stew sea-food on the papaya 姜汁豇豆、木瓜鲜奶盅
- Preserved vegetables with ginger sauce 姜汁贡菜
- Stewed String Beans with Special Sauce 酱焖四季豆
- preserved black bean with ginger 姜豆豉
- Boiled fish slices with ginger sauce 姜汁鱼片
- Broiled Fillet of Cod with Ginger Sauce 焗银鱈鱼配姜汁
- Soybean milk dessert with ginger sauce 姜汁豆腐冻
- Steamed Fillet of Cod with Ginger Sauce 姜茸蒸鳕鱼
- Corn and string bean are boiled with water in advance. 玉米、青豆事先用水煮熟。
- Moong usal is a pilaf of sprouted mung beans with ginger, tomatoes and coconut milk. 汤中的主原料为绿豆芽、生姜、西红柿和椰子汁。
- preserved eggs with ginger sauce 姜汁松花
- Having three leaflets, as a leaf of clover or string bean. 具三叶的有三中叶的,如三叶草或豆类植物的叶子
- Jean: The Crispy Fish is very popular. It comes with a ginger sauce. 琴:我们店里的脆皮鱼很受欢迎,它是伴着姜汁吃的。
- To father--from your favorite string bean. 给父亲--您最宠爱的小豆子。
- A dark molasses cake flavored with ginger. 姜味糕点,蛋糕一种有生姜味的黑糖蜜糕点
- To father --from your favorite string bean. 给父亲--您最宠爱的小豆子。
- Stowe took one look at the happy-go-lucky string bean (with the outsize hands), and saw just what he was looking for. 斯托一见这位逍遥自在、无忧无虑的瘦高个儿(有一双特大的手),就觉得这正是自己要找的人。
- How to treat trichomadesis with ginger? 怎样用生姜治疗脱发?
- String beans belong to the pea family. 菜豆属于豌豆属植物。