- Strategic and financial issues 融资问题及融资策略
- Eckles, David Lee. Economic theory and financial issues in insurance markets. UMI, 2003. 刘茂山.;保险经济学[M]
- This is an annual publication summarising the economic development and the short-term prospects of APEC members, and addresses topical economic and financial issues affecting the Asia-Pacific region. 亚太经合组织每年发表经济展望报告一次,总结各成员的经济发展和短期的经济前景,以及影响亚太地区的重要经济及金融课题。
- This is an annual publication summarising the economic development and the short-term prospects of APEC members,and addresses topical economic and financial issues affecting the Asia-Pacific region. 亚太经合组织每年发表经济展望报告一次,总结各成员的经济发展和短期的经济前景,以及影响亚太地区的重要经济及金融课题。
- Business and financial news and issues. 并把商业放在金融的前面。
- Beijing is the political and financial center of China. 北京是中国的政治和金融中心。
- Good capability of strategic and analytical thinking. 良好的策略和分析能力。
- Well developed operation, strategic and executional ability. 高超的运营、战略规划和执行能力。
- Deflation and financial distress stifled growth. 通货紧缩和金融困境遏制了增长。
- Pray for your congregation and synod as they struggle with financial issues. 他给我们他的圣灵使我们可以信他。
- Venice was both a trading and financial center. 威尼斯是贸易兼金融中心。
- Venice was Both a trading and financial centre. 威尼斯是贸易兼金融中心。
- Glossary of Insurance and Financial Planning Terms. 保险与金融规划词汇。
- Financial structure and financial crisis II. 金融结构与金融危机2。
- PTC is constantly evaluating opportunities to expand our solutions offerings and accelerate growth and profitability. This acquisition is compelling both strategically and financially. PTC不断的在评估及找寻机会,以扩充产品线及加速成长与获利。此次并购是基于营运策略与财务收入之考量。
- Probability and financial risk management programs. 概率和金融风险管理等课程。
- Firms, contracts and financial structure II. 企业、合同与财务结构2。
- Analysis of operational and financial condition. 分析运营和财务状况。
- The exhibition displayed a variety of innovative products and services for the participants on today's strategic and technical issues unique educational opportunities. 展会在展出各种创新产品和服务的同时为参会者就当今的战略及技术问题提供无与伦比的教育机会。
- Agriculture and financial services also shrank. 农业和金融服务业也在缩水。