- Store talented person 储备人才
- Such a most talented person as he shouldn't be satisfied with what he is. 像他这么有才华的人不应满足于现状。
- He is a talented person, but few know of him. 他是个有才能的人,然而知道他的人并不多。
- Nice talented person grooms mechanism. 良好的人才培训机制。
- Mr. Jansen is a talented person. 简森先生是个有才华的人。
- He is an unusually talented person. 他是个难得的人才。
- I don't like him either. But to give the devil his due, I must admit that he is a pretty talented person. 我也不喜欢他。不过说句公道话,我得承认他是个很有才华的人。
- He is the music talented person, this is indubitable. 他是个音乐才子,这是无可置疑的。
- Moreover be, the joy buys not to absorb a native talented person, almost all joy buys a store to grow, all being in use a Taiwanese, I not apprehensibility, this is why? 另外就是,乐购不吸收本地人才,几乎所有的乐购店长,都启用台湾人,我不能理解,这是为什么?
- Film Company Boss: That's not a problem. You just choose a talented person. 电影公司老板:那不成问题由您选择人才好了。
- Such talented person echelon and specialized troop, for profession in rare. 这样的人才梯队与专业化队伍,为行业内所少见。
- Continual attract Ho culturist a whole range of up to dick talented person . 以人为本:不断吸引和培养一大批优秀的人才。
- Is the talented person that leukaemia wants to find close kin possible subsist? 白血病是不是要找到至亲的人才有可能活下去?
- Has stockpiled the formidable talented person and the technical superiority. 储备了强大的人才及技术优势。
- Zhuge Liang was a virtuous and talented person in the period of the three kingdoms. 三国时期诸葛亮是一位贤能之人。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- I don't like him either. But to give the devil his due,I must admit that he is a pretty talented person. 我也不喜欢他。不过说句公道话,我得承认他是个很有才华的人。
- I am not the smartest or most talented person in the world, but I succeeded because I keep going, and going, and going. 我并不是世界上最聪明、最有才华的人,但是我成功了,因为我不断努力,努力,再努力。
- As a result genius is often a talented person who has simply done all of his homework. 因此所谓天才通常只是个做完了他的全部家庭作业的有才能的人。
- Time we have introduced advanced production equipment and outstanding technical talented person. 同时引进了先进的生产设备与优秀的技术人才。