- The soldiers stood firm and decided to fight to the end. 士兵们意志坚定决心战斗到底。
- The government continued to stand firm and no concessions were made. 政府继续坚持自己的决策,不做出任何让步。
- She stood firm and would not change her testimony,despite aggressive cross-examination. 不管怎么严厉盘问,她仍然很坚定,不愿改变自己的证词。
- She stood firm and would not change her testimony, despite aggressive cross-examination. 不管怎么严厉盘问,她仍然很坚定,不愿改变自己的证词。
- So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter. 所以,弟兄们,你们要站立得稳,凡所领受的教训,不拘是我们口传的,是信上写的,都要坚守。
- In days of adverstiy, we should stand firm and be unyielding; in days of happiness we should, all the more, be prudent and careful. 身处逆境的日子,要坚强不屈;在幸福的日子里,尤其要谨慎小心。
- In days of adversity, we should stand firm and be unyielding; in days of happiness we should, all the more, be prudent and careful. 身处逆境时,要坚强不屈;在幸福的日子里,尤其要谨慎小心。
- In days of adversity, we should stand firm and be unyielding; in days of happiness, we should, all the more, be prudent and careful. 严酷的日子要坚毅不屈,幸福的日子尤其要谨慎小心。
- Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today.The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 看耶和华今天向你们所要施行的救恩,因为你们今天所看见的埃及人,必永远不再看见了。
- On January 12,1947, during the Civil War period, facing enemy's combining threats with inducements, communist partymember Liu Hulan always stood firm and unyielding. 1947年1月12日,在解放战争期间,共产党员刘胡兰面对敌人的威逼利诱始终坚贞不屈。
- Stand firm and hold it tight. 站稳抓牢。
- Willing to work under pressure and self motivate. 大家明白这是什么要求吗?
- He stood firm amidst temptations. 他不被种种引诱所动摇。
- Synthetic use and self comments. 综合应用,自我评价。
- Please accept our thanks to Mr. Jones and self. 谢谢您和琼斯。
- Be like the promontory against which the waves continually break, but it stands firm and tames the fury of the water around it. 像海角一样,海浪不断扑打,但它傲然挺立,驯服周围狂暴的海水。
- Strong sense of responsibility and self motivation. 强烈责任感,具有自我激励能力。
- Strong senses of responsibility and self otivation. 高度责任感及自我驱动能力。
- His boss burst into a storm of abuse, but the boy stood firm. 老板破口大骂,但小伙子非常坚定。
- Greece must have a system if it is to become a self supporting and self respecting democracy. 要想成为一个自立、自尊的民主国家,希腊必须有一个健全的体制。