- Stone Carvings in Duxiu Peak 独秀峰石刻
- The Buddhist grotto art here marks the apogee of the art of stone carving in the region in ancient times beginning from the middle part of the Northern Dynasty and lasting until the Sui and the Tang Dynasties. 须弥山石窟反映了从北朝中晚期到隋、唐各代的佛教石刻艺术,是古代宁夏地区劳动人民文化艺术的结晶。
- Are they all Shoushan stone carvings? 这些都是用寿山石雕刻出来的吗?
- She carves in both stone and wood. 她既做石雕也做木雕。
- There are still many other fine stone carvings ahead. 前面还有许多精美的石雕。
- You may ship the ivory carvings in any suitable containers. 你可以用任何适当的容器来装运象牙雕刻。
- Stone carvings are a significant feature of the Turtle Garden. 石雕可是鳌园的一大特色。
- Stone carving in the first stage 第一个阶段主要以
- Dazu Stone Carvings are superb works of Buddhist religious art. 大足石刻是佛教工艺极高的雕刻品。
- An ornament carved in low relief. 浮雕装饰刻在浅浮雕上的装饰
- Diecai Hill, FuBo Hill, Duxiu peak, Nanxi Hill, Crescent Hill and Putuo Hill are the well-known attractions for tourists when they make a tour of the city. 市区内主要名山有叠彩山、伏波山、独秀峰、南溪山、月牙山、普陀山等游览胜地。
- People should remember that our proposals aren't carved in stone. 人们应记住我们的建议并非板上钉钉。
- Stone carvings of humans and animals stood in front of the tomb as decoration. 墓前有大型的石人石兽,作为墓地装饰。
- Is considered the biggest of characters carved in stone at Putuo. 被称为普陀山最大的石刻文字。
- These chromatic stone carvings are all made from a whole piece of stone. 这些彩色石雕作品均为一块完整的石材雕刻而成。
- Ecological Environment View on Tomb Stone Carving in Nan Dynasty 南朝陵墓雕刻之生态环境观
- Stone carvings of grace the teature wall at strategic points, such as the main stairway landing. 在优雅的特色墙体上的石头雕刻处在战略性的重要位置,例如主要的台阶平台。
- Could I look ai that jade carving in the showcase? 能看看橱窗里那玉雕吗?
- The monument is carved in marble. 这个纪念碑是用大理石刻成的。
- Shoushan stone carving is indeed very difficult. 我们寿山石雕刻实在是太难了。