- Stomorhina discolorn. 异色口鼻蝇
- Mexican types discolor quickly and require immediate consumption. 墨西哥类型变色迅速;并要求立即食用.
- To discolor, disintegrate, wear, or otherwise affect adversely by exposure. 风干,褪色暴露使褪色、解体、消耗或负面受影响
- Sapium discolor is always used in gardens to embody the change of seasons since its leaves can become red in autumn. 山乌桕树叶秋天变红,用于园林造景,更能体现季节的变化。
- Tissue Culture of Rhododendron decorum Franch., Rhododendron calophytum Franch. And Rhododendron discolor Franch. 大白杜鹃、美容杜鹃和喇叭杜鹃的组织培养。
- Objective:This paper defines the form of calcium oxalate crystal in Potentilla discolor Bunge. 目的明确翻白草中草酸钙晶体的形态特征。
- No. Any product with a mineral oil-based will discolor the acrylic surface and, due to their need to be waterproof, are not designed for easy cleanup and sanitizing. 不行。任何带有矿物油的产品都将使丙烯酸表面脱色。而且晒黑床是防水的因此在设计上很不容易清洗和消毒。
- Objective: To investigate the Potentilla Discolor Bunge (PDB) on treat effect in experimental diabetic mouse. 摘要目的:观察翻白草对实验性糖尿病大鼠治疗作用。
- The disease gets its name from the streaks of yellow and white that discolor the leaves. 这个病疫得名于它会使玉米的叶子褪色,变成黄白色。
- When algae bloom, they can discolor the water as they form dense areas near the surface. 当藻类开花,它们在近水面形成稠密地区,从而使水变色。
- It also is becoming hot enough to discolor with oxidation which can be seen on the full size pic. 它也正成为热点,足以变色氧化可以视为对全尺寸照片。
- Conclusion: The lump crystal is one of the characteristics of Potentilla discolor Bunge. 结论“块晶”是翻白草的鉴别特征之一。
- Normally, it takes three to four months to reach a stable Survival rate for grafting of Diospyros discolor. 摘要毛柿嫁接成活过程历时较长,嫁接后约34个月存活率才达到稳定状态。
- To do so would be to temporarily cloud, or discolor the original color coat that is lying underneath your clear coat. 要这样做的话,得是阴天或原色漆已经脱色了,并且已经沉到了底部。
- Sapium discolor 's morphological character, seed-collecting and seedling-raising, cultural technique are presented. 介绍了山乌桕的形态特征,采种育苗和造林技术。
- In the paper, ulracsonic extraction method was used to extract ursolic acid from Potentilla discolor with 95% alcohol. 本实验以95%25乙醇为溶剂,采用超声波提取法对翻白草进行了提取,并用双波长薄层扫描法测定其含量。
- Be sure to rinse thoroughly because sanitizers discolor the meat and may cause off-flavors. 然后要确保对它们进行彻底冲洗,因为清洁剂会使肉褪色并减少肉味。
- And the content of ursolic acid in Potentilla discolor was determined with double thin layer scanning method. 结果表明,翻白草中熊果酸的平均含量为0。
- Admitting the name “panda” is a “foreign” name will not discolor the most treasured animal at all. 确认它是“舶来品”,并无损于我国国宝的固有光辉;
- The dwarfing degree of SH interstocks could affect the discolor index and the contents of chlorophyll, amylum, and soluble sugar. SH系中间砧的矮化程度影响红富士苹果叶片的变色指数以及叶绿素、可溶性糖、淀粉的含量。