- Watch you step and mind what you are saying. 你要谨言慎行。
- Frankie took a step and looked up at Jean. 那鹿向前迈了一步,抬头瞧着琼。
- The sick man faltered a few steps and then fell. 这个病人摇摇晃晃地走了几步,然后就跌倒了。
- In the dark he stumbled ,missed his step and fell . 在黑暗中,他跌跌撞撞地走着,一脚踩空摔倒在地上。
- He took a backward step and ran away. 他向后退了一步,跑了。
- One wrong step and you fall down the cliff. 你只要走错一步,就会掉到悬崖下面去。
- He took a false step and fell down the river. 他踩空掉到河里去了。
- I bounded up the step and rapped on the door. 我跳上台阶, 赶紧敲门。
- Ay, get it right, two step and let your shou[...... 您浏览了太多的页面,所以您无法看到该页的内容...
- The old woman wavered on the top step and nearly fell . 那位老太太在最高的台阶上摇摆一下差一点儿跌倒。
- He stepped on the mossy front steps and looked into the house. 他站在长满苔藓的前门的台阶上向里张望。
- Two kinds of ERW pipes: Straight welded pipe and spiral welded pipe. 两种类型的战争遗留爆炸物管:直焊管和螺旋焊管。
- So he watched his step and went about his job with great care. 因此他谨慎小心,做工作时特别注意。
- Stairs lead up to first floor and spiral stairs lead down to basement bedroom. 楼梯通向第一层,而盘梯通向地下卧室。
- The old woman wavered on the top step and nearly fell. 那位老太太在最高的台阶上摇摆一下差一点儿跌倒。
- We walked up the steps and rang the door chime. 我们登上台阶,按响了门铃。
- Crema. Bungle a step and it's, how do you say in English, swill. 贻误了一步,它的,你怎么说英语,泔水。
- This was a time when the energies would start to reverse and spiral backwards merging with the time of Atlantis. 这就是能量开始倒转和螺旋往后与亚特蓝提斯岛时间融合的时候。
- What will be the first step and when will it be taken? 你们将在什么时间并如何开始建造?
- The concrete step and complexity of the attack algorithm is given. 给出了应用该算法的具体步骤,并分析了攻击算法的计算复杂性。