- Steamed Bun with Milk 鲜奶馒头
- I love to eat steamed buns with minced meat stuffing. 我最爱吃肉馅儿包子。
- We can make steamed buns with the baking powder on the plates soon. 发粉在盆里呢, 一会儿咱就包包子喽!
- Steamed buns with turnip seedlings as stuffing are very delicious. 用鸡毛菜包的包子是很好吃的。
- Steamed Bun with Pork and Preserved Vegetable 肉末冬菜包
- a steamed bun with meat stuffing; a steamed pie with meat stuffing 肉包子
- I'm afraid I can't drink coffee with milk in. 我不能喝搀牛奶的咖啡。
- Cows were domesticated to provide us with milk. 驯养奶牛是为了给我们提供牛奶。
- Does Professor Liu eat steamed bun not? 刘教授吃不吃馒头?
- Do you have steamed bun and shoes? 你有蒸发小面包和鞋子吗?
- This steamed bun is as hard as rock. 这个馒头硬邦邦的,像块石头。
- Rice pudding is a sweet dish made by baking rice with milk and sugar. 大米布丁是一种在米中加入牛奶和糖烘制而成的甜食。
- Steamed bun: Eating too many can ya. ha ha ha ha! 馒头:吃多了也会撑死人滴,哈哈哈哈!
- He supplemented his diet with milk. 他用牛奶补充饮食。
- I sprinkled salt over the flied shoes of steamed bun. 我把炸馒头干撒上了盐。
- The two-year-old girl slapped jam on the steamed bun. 这个两岁的小女孩往馒头上涂了许多果酱。
- Would you prefer your tea with lemon or with milk? 您的茶要加柠檬还是牛奶?
- Bind the dry ingredients with milk and eggs. 把干配料与牛奶、鸡蛋搅和
- The two - year - old girl slapped jam on the steamed bun. 这个两岁的小女孩往馒头上涂了许多果酱。
- He drank a cup of coffee with milk. 他喝了一杯加奶的咖啡。