- Statutory rape victim 强奸幼女受害者
- Statutory rape is a grave accusation. 强奸罪可是一项很严重的指控。
- The rape victim was found dumped in one of the side streets. 人们发现那名强奸案受害者被扔在一条小路上。
- A young rape victim who would suddenly become the focus of global attention. 一位遭到强奸的年轻姑娘顷刻成了世界注目的焦点。
- Sexual predation in all its forms, including when it involves statutory rape, is an abhorrent crime. 性侵犯的各种形式,包括法定强奸罪,都是令人憎恶的罪行。
- She was charged with sexual battery on a minor, akin to statutory rape, but has not yet been arraigned. 她被指控对幼儿实施了接近于法定强奸罪的性犯罪,但尚未被正式传讯。
- A man over the age of 18 may be arrested for statutory rape if the passenger in his car is not wearing her socks and shoes, and is under the age of 17. 18岁以上的男子若坐在其车内的女乘客未穿著袜子和鞋子且未满17岁,那麽他可能因法定强奸罪(与未成年少女发生性关系)而被捕。
- With the rape victims and the snitches. 和一群强奸犯和小偷在一起。
- When women listen to a rape victim they believe, they reflect certain emotions.They blush, avert their eyes, hunch their shoulders. 女性在听到强奸经过的描述时,通常会脸红、转移视线或耸肩。
- Brazilian archbishop has said that all those involved in helping a nine-year-old rape victim secure an abortion are to be excommunicated by the Catholic Church. 一位巴西大主教说,凡是参与协助那名九岁的强奸案受害女童安全堕胎的人,都将被逐出天主教会。
- Two years ago, a nine-year-old Nicaraguan rape victim was almost prevented from having a termination, thanks to the intervention of the Catholic Church. 两年前(K:当时的,即2003年),尼加拉瓜一个九岁的强奸案受害者差点因为天主教会的干涉而被阻止堕胎。
- The feelings of a rape victim towards her attacker 遭强奸的受害人对暴徒的愤怒
- Two in five rape victims are diagnosable with PTSD six months after the attack. 被奸者,五分之有二于其后六月被诊患PTSD。
- Victim of statutory rape 强奸幼女受害者
- statutory restrictions; a statutory age limit; statutory crimes; statutory rape 法律约束;法律年限;违法罪行;违法掠夺
- Ms.Martin says the plight of rape victims is especially dire in Darfur because roughly nine out of ten Sudanese women undergo an extreme form of female circumcision. 马丁女士说,在达尔福尔地区,被强奸者的困境要比其他地区更深重,因为十分之九的苏丹妇女都要进行很极端的女性割礼。
- she questioned the rape victim very sensitively about the attack. 她很敏感地向受害者询问起那次强奸事件。
- statutory restrictions; a statutory age limit; statutory crimes; statutory rape. 法律约束;法律年限;违法罪行;违法掠夺。
- A purse has been made up for the flood victim. 已经为水灾灾民募捐到一笔款子。
- We are collecting money for the famine victim. 我们在为遭受饥荒的灾民募捐。