- They only got an incomplete set of results from the experiment. 他们从这次实验中只得到了一组不完整的答案。
- Statistical of Result 结果统计
- What are the ″vital statistics″ of the MINI? mini汽车的主要技术数据是什么?
- External direct investment statistics of Hong Kong. 香港对外直接投资统计。
- It was a conference fruitful of results. 那是一个硕果累累的会议。
- Full and open assessment of results. 全面开放的结果评估。
- Statistics of employee working meals. 员工餐的统计与管理。
- You will be presented with a list of results. 显示结果列表。
- He studied microscopically the statistics of trade. 他极仔细地研究了贸易统计数字。
- Only one set of results can be viewed at a time. 一次只能查看一组结果。
- But Edison said: "Oh, we have lots of results! 但爱迪生却说:“噢,我们有很多结果。
- All of results fit the actual shoe last well. 所得到的结果都能很好地符合实际鞋楦。
- Built in miniature printer producing accurate graph of result. 内置打印机生成精确的数据曲线。
- The Appendices provide summary statistics of external trade. 有关对外贸易统计数字的摘要,载列于附录。
- This is the reverse of the default sort order for this kind of result. 使用本修饰符的查询结果是缺省排序方式的倒排。
- There is reasonable concordance between the two sets of results. 两组结果之间有着合理的一致。
- For defect-free filaments the scatter of results is small. 对于无缺陷单丝,测定结果的分散性
- What if I only want to see one type of result - just emails, files, chats, etc? 如果我只想查看一种结果(即只查看电子邮件、文件或聊天记录等),该怎么办?
- Support limiting the number of results to a maximum. 相似,查询支持对结果数量进行限制。
- Control where a list of results is displayed in a read-only format. 控件中显示,在这些控件中,以只读格式显示一个结果的列表。