- The top of it is flat, the neck is a bit thin and the thinnest part is only seven metres in diametre. 海拔1200余米,相对高度128米,由风化和重力崩解作用而形成的巨型花岗岩石柱,峰身上有数道横断裂痕,但经过亿万年风雨,依然屹立不倒。
- Early 1997 saw the opening of the Flying Swing ride, which carries visitors seven metres high in a gyrating motion. 另一项新设施"飞天秋千"亦已在年初启用,游客坐于摆动的椅子上,会被环回转动至离地面七米之高。
- Early 1997 saw the opening of the Flying Swing ride,which carries visitors seven metres high in a gyrating motion. 另一项新设施“飞天秋千”亦已在年初启用,游客坐于摆动的椅子上,会被环回转动至离地面七米之高。
- They believe that if the ice cap melts global average sea level will rise by about seven metres. 他们认为格林兰的冰层融化会导致全球海平面上升7米。
- He cut off a metre of cloth from the roll. 他从那卷布上剪下一米。
- I do not get any static on my set. 我的电视机没有静电干扰。
- Yet that is just what is happening in Greenland, whose relatively warm and wet sheet is on course to melt completely, bringing the prospect of a sea-level rise of perhaps seven metres. 这恰恰是正在格陵兰岛上发生的事情,格陵兰岛上相对暖而湿的冰盾正处于完全融化的进程中,这将导致海平面可能升高七米的前景。
- But if even half of the West Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets were to melt, sea levels would rise by six or seven metres, flooding many of the world's big cities, and the outlook is discouraging. 但是即使是一半的南极西部和格陵兰岛的冰盾融化,海平面也将升高六七米,淹没世界上很多大城市,前景令人沮丧。
- The metre is a measure of length. 米是长度单位。
- Lockup regularly occurs at seven o'clock. 夜间关门时间通常是在七点钟。
- She has as many as seven sisters. 她的姊妹有七人之多。
- She won two third places in the seven events. 她在七项比赛中得了两个第三名。
- There are seven continents in the world. 世界上有七大洲。
- The baby weighed seven pounds at birth. 那婴儿出生时重七磅。
- The dinner consists of seven courses. 晚饭有七道菜。
- Four multiplied by seven is twenty-eight. 7乘4等于28。
- He had to support his seven children, to say nothing of his wife and parents. 他要养活自己的七个孩子,更不必说还有妻子和父母了。
- There was too much static to hear their message clearly. 静电干扰太大,听不清他们的电讯。
- Even with static population, consumption rose steeply. 即便人口保持稳定,消费亦大幅增加。
- This rope is four metre longer than that one. 这根绳子比那根长4米。