- The paper analyses the education voucher system to the implementation of the reality of education starting point fair, equitable system and moral equity. 文章从教育券对教育公平的意义进行剖析,认为教育券制度的实施有助于现实中教育起点公平、制度公平、道德公平;
- These two criticisms provide a good starting point. 这两条批评意见开创了良好的开端。
- We learned the alphabet as a starting point. 我们从学习字母开始。
- Our trip takes Midway as a starting point. 我们的旅行以中途岛为起点。
- A stable macro-economy is just the starting point. 稳定的宏观经济仅仅是个开端。
- To close the shape, click near its starting point. 要封闭形状,请在其起点附近单击。
- It represents a new starting point for us. 这是我们的一个新起点。
- Main - The starting point of the user program. 用于程序的开始主程序。
- The starting point for an XML parser. XML分析器的起点。
- The starting point is in fact quite simple. 这项产品的出发点其实很简单。
- You can change the starting point if you want. 如果需要,可以更改此起始点。
- Directory are a good starting point. 目录下的测试范例是良好的起点。
- Let's get back to the starting point. 我们回到起点吧。
- Is a good starting point for taking DWR for a spin. 是把DWR投入使用的一个良好起点。
- That represents the starting point of the curve. 表示曲线起始点的。
- Generic starting point for creating a trace. 创建跟踪的通用起点。
- Starting point ? He has forgotten the spot. 起点?他忘了从哪开始的。
- A starting point, safety area, or goal. 起点,目标出发点,安全场地或终点
- A value of 0.25 is usually a good starting point. 对于新手,值0.;25是被推荐的。
- Lizi Qing is a good starting point. 《荔子情》是一个很好的开始。