- The Starlight Refraction in Autonomous Orbit Determination for Satellite By Large Field of View Star Sensors 组合大视场星敏感器自主定轨中的星光折射
- Method and Simulation of Autonomous Navigation for Satellite by a Combination Star Sensor with Large View Field and Starlight Refraction 组合大视场星敏感器星光折射卫星自主导航方法及仿真
- Starlight refraction 星光折射
- The sheen of the starlight stole over him. 星光悄悄地照到他身上。
- I enjoy the view of the bay in the starlight. 我喜欢星光下的海湾风景。
- Starlight Productions present the Chinese Children's Choir in concert. 星光剧团主办中国儿童合唱团演出音乐会。
- What is the approximate length of Starlight Cliffs. 星光悬崖接近什么长度?
- The study of the refraction of light. 屈光学研究光的折射
- When she was 12,she was cast in Starlight Roof. 12岁时她在 “屋顶星光”一片中担任角色。
- Refraction has been dealt with on page 156. 折射已经在前面156页谈过。
- It was a sparkling, frosty, starlight night. 那天夜晚繁星满天,寒气袭人。
- Today Starlight Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. 今日星光展览服务有限公司。
- Changzhou Starlight Power Source Co., Ltd. 常州市星光电源有限公司。
- The sky was ablaze with starlight. 天空因星光而闪耀。
- About complex index of refraction. 关于复杂折射。
- No more do I see the starlight caress your hair. 我不再看到星光轻抚你的头发
- Equality of refraction in both eyes. 两眼屈光度相等
- And golden starlight in your eyes of blue. 在你的蓝眸里点缀繁星之光。
- And starlight in your eyes of black. 在你黑色的眼中投下星光。
- Film laminates refract light in different ways. 电影层板折射光线以不同的方式。