- Standing Appellate Body 常设上诉机构
- Persons serving on the Appellate Body shall serve in rotation. 上诉机构人员任职应实行轮换。
- The Appellate Body shall hear appeals from panel cases. 上诉机构应审理专家组案件的上诉。
- The Appellate Body membership shall be broadly representative of membership in the WTO. 上诉机构的成员资格应广泛代表WTO的成员资格。
- Such rotation shall be determined in the working procedures of the Appellate Body. 此轮换应在上诉机构的工作程序中予以确定。
- WTO judicial panels and the appellate body have issued rulings against a range of aspects of zeroing in US trade law. 世贸组织专家小组和上诉机构已作出不止一项裁决,反对美国贸易法中涉及归零法的多个层面。
- "Will there be Chinese lawyers who are able to argue before the WTO appellate body in the foreseeable future? “在可预见的未来,中国律师中是否有人能在WTO上诉法庭上辩论?
- Members shall treat as confidential information submitted by another Member to the panel or the Appellate Body which that Member has designated as confidential. 各成员应将另一成员提交专家组或上诉机构、并由该另一成员指定为机密的信息按机密信息处理。
- This adoption procedure is without prejudice to the right of Members to express their views on an Appellate Body report. 8此通过程序不损害各成员就上诉机构报告发表意见的权利。
- In addition to its recommendations, the panel or Appellate Body may suggest ways in which the Member concerned could implement the recommendations. 10除其建议外,专家组或上诉机构还可就有关成员如何执行建议提出办法。
- In fixing its timetable the Appellate Body shall take into account the provisions of paragraph 9 of Article 4, if relevant. 在决定其时间表时,上诉机构应考虑第4条第9款的规定(如有关)。
- The WTO Appellate Body has ruled, repeatedly, that zeroing is not permissible, whether for original investigations or for administrative reviews. 世贸组织上诉机构多次裁定无论是在调查还是在年审中,都不允许使用零合法。
- The reports of the Appellate Body shall be drafted without the presence of the parties to the dispute and in the light of the information provided and the statements made. 上诉机构报告应在争端各方不在场的情况下,按照提供的信息和所作的陈述起草。
- In the ruling released, WTO Appellate Body recommends that China will import tariffs on foreign auto parts to adjust in line with international trade rules. 在公布的裁决中,WTO上诉机构建议中国将国外汽车零部件进口关税调整至符合国际贸易规则的水平。
- United States-Measures Affecting the Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Service,WT/DS285/AB/R,Report of the Appellate Body,7April 2005,paras.269-272. 这一点;与被诉方提供补偿时的情况是一致的.;另外;国际法委员会国际责任草案评注脚注863指出;对世界贸易组织来说;补偿是指将来的行为;不是过去的行为;并涉及某种形式的反措施
- So, the Appellate Body has to conclude that the record is inadequate, whereupon it may decline to rule, either on the whole case, or on some, often important, parts of it. 因此,上诉机构必须得出在案信息不充分的决定,只有如此,它才可拒绝就整个案件或是某些部分(大都是重要部分)做出裁决。
- Are you willing to stand surety for your brother? 你愿意当你弟弟的保证人吗?
- In such arbitration, a guideline for the arbitrator should be that the reasonable period of time to implement panel or Appellate Body recommendations should not exceed 15 months from the date of adoption of a panel or Appellate Body report. 12在该仲裁中,仲裁人13的指导方针应为执行专家组或上诉机构建议的合理期限不超过自专家组或上诉机构报告通过之日起15个月。
- All persons serving on the Appellate Body shall be available at all times and on short notice, and shall stay abreast of dispute settlement activities and other relevant activities of the WTO. 上诉机构任职的所有人员应随时待命,并应随时了解争端解决活动和WTO的其他有关活动。
- Where either the panel or the Appellate Body has acted, pursuant to paragraph 9 of Article 12 or paragraph 5 of Article 17, to extend the time for providing its report, the additional time taken shall be added to the above periods. 如专家组或上诉机构按照第12条第9款或第17条第5款延长提交报告的时间,则所用的额外时间应加入以上期限。