- stand up to the severe test 经得起严峻考验
- To stand up to the severe tests of political disturbances at home and abroad 经受住国际国内政治风波的严峻考验
- I can't stand up to the heat in summer here. 我受不了这里夏天的炎热。
- In 1998, the dam stood up to the severest flood in history. 1998年,那个大坝经受了历史上最严重的洪水的考验。
- It's questionable whether she can stand up to such a severe test of her courage. 她能不能通过对她勇气的严峻的考验还是问题。
- The little boy stood up to the big bully. 小男孩勇敢地对抗那个身材高大的恶霸。
- He stands up and goes up to the boy. 然后对男孩说:“你去坐我的位子。”
- Will this building stand up to the gales? 这座建筑会经得起狂风吗?
- Stand up to the bully and he won't dare to hurt you. 勇敢地面对那个混混,以後他就不敢再伤害你了。
- The businessmen must stand up to the gang extortionists. 商人必须勇敢面对帮派的勒索。
- That is why they cannot stand up to any serious test. 因此他们经受不住任何严重的考验。
- Her clothes are always right up to the minute. 她的衣服总是式样最新的。
- She stood up to wipe the sweat off her face. 她站起来擦擦脸上的汗珠。
- Stand up to the bully and he will not dare to hurt you. 勇敢地面对那个混混,以后他就不敢再伤害你了。
- The old man's health will not stand up to the cold damp climate. 老人的健康状况经受不住寒冷潮湿的气候。
- The little girl stood up to a bully. 小女孩勇敢地对付暴徒。
- My car has stood up well to the test of time. 我的车子经过了时间的考验,十分耐用。
- Will the lorries stand up to the journey over rough road? 在这样难行的路上长途行驶,这些卡车经得起吗?
- His guilt was proved up to the hilt. 他的罪行被完全证实了。
- Such people cannot stand up to any serious test. 这样的人不能勇敢地面对任何严峻的考验。