- Si - Ma chien 司马迁
- He was allowed to proceed to an MA. 他获准攻读文学硕士学位。
- He always does what his ma tells him to. 他总是很听妈妈的话。
- He can not operate the ma chine. neither( nor) can I. 他不能操作这台机器。我也不能。
- Chou Erh-chieh and Chien Chiaolin? 周二姐和钱巧林么?
- Kuan Ssu was a native of Wu-ch’eng, Chekiang. 关思,乌程人,字何思,号虚白,一名九思,字仲通,善山水。
- "Chien Pao-sheng's a wily old bird, you know. “钱葆生也刁得很。
- Ssu shih li p"u. Characteristic ruins. March 7. 3月7日,四十里铺,废墟。
- "Sling Chien Pao-sheng out, as well! “叫钱葆生也滚出去!
- Inteoneseul iyong-hal ssu innayo? 我可以上因特网吗?
- Qui veut noyer son chien l'accuse de la rage. 欲加之罪,何患无词。
- Winston WC Sun, YW Chien, SH Lin , HR Lee, 2001. 蔡政谕,林永和,郑佾琪,李韦廷,刘又嘉,姜蔼伦,魏锦祥,蔡蕙芸,林士祥。
- Chien immerses himself in a book. 下图:钱次长酷爱阅读,几十年来从未改变。
- Dr. Ma had considered going along with Bethune. 马大夫曾考虑和白求恩同行。
- The runaway prisoner landed up ma ditch. 那个逃犯最后死在水沟里。
- Ma was mad with me for spilling the ink. 我把墨水打翻了,妈妈对我非常生气。
- Je vous fais mes excuses pour ma demande brusque ? 请问达人们,请原谅我唐突的要求,这句话怎么说比较有礼貌啊?
- The tummy split open, ma not painful? 肚皮裂开,妈不痛?
- It's located near the railway station on Kuna Chien Road. 它位于馆前路上,靠近火车站。
- Who will be Ma's next opponent,if he wins today? 如果马今天胜了这盘棋,他的下个对手是谁?